

Optimization of Processing Technology of Fresh Stewed Sea Cucumber by Response Surface Methodology
摘要 通过单因素试验和响应面试验构建Box-Behnken多元回归模型对鲜炖海参的加工工艺进行优化,探究不同炖煮时间、炖煮温度及料液比对鲜炖海参的感官特性和质构的影响,并对最终产品的营养物质及理化指标进行测定。结果表明,鲜炖海参的最佳加工工艺为海参与高汤料液比1︰2(g/mL),炖煮温度77℃,炖煮时间3.5 h。在此工艺参数下制得的鲜炖海参具有体壁完整、韧性好、肉质紧密、弹性好的特点,且感官评分为89.75分,感官评分和质构参数明显优于市售产品。试验结果可为后续工厂改善鲜炖海参加工工艺提供理论依据和方法,同时为海参的精深加工提供借鉴意义。 Single-factor experiment and response surface experiment were used to construct a Box-Behnken multivariate regression model to optimize the processing technology of fresh stewed sea cucumber.The effects of different stew times,stew temperatures,and material-liquid ratios on the sensory characteristics and texture of fresh stewed sea cucumber were investigated,and the nutritional and physicochemical properties of the final product were measured.The results showed that the optimal processing technology for fresh stewed sea cucumber was a material-liquid ratio of 1:2(g/mL)between sea cucumber and high-quality soup,a stew temperature of 76.72℃ and a stew time of 3.2 h.Under such process parameters,the fresh stewed sea cucumber had a complete body wall,good toughness,dense meat,and good elasticity,with a sensory score of 89.75 points.The sensory score and texture parameters were significantly better than those of commercially available products.The study provides theoretical basis and prediction for actual production.
作者 赵影 冯瑞 张宇 李萌 何子峰 钟碧銮 ZHAO Ying;FENG Rui;ZHANG Yu;LI Meng;HE Zifeng;ZHONG Biluan(Guangdong Guanzhan Nutrition and Health Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510642;Guanzhan Fish Maw Nutrition and Security Research Center,Guangzhou 510642;College of Food Science and Engineering,Dalian Ocean University,Dalian 116023;GuangDong Jianwei Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 511434)
出处 《食品工业》 CAS 2024年第2期77-82,共6页 The Food Industry
基金 辽宁省旅顺区特色水产品高值化加工科技特派团项目(2022JH5/10400016) 2023中央财政对辽宁渔业补助项目。
关键词 鲜炖海参 工艺优化 响应面 质构 感官品质 fresh stewed sea cucumber process optimization response surface texture sensory evaluation
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