

Phylogenetic Cluster Analysis of Genetic Diversity of K-Type Wheat Maintainer Lines
摘要 为了给K型小麦雄性不育系、保持系的选育及杂种组合选配提供依据,对25份K型小麦保持系品种的7个主要农艺性状进行了遗传多样性、相关性和聚类分析。结果表明,25份K型小麦保持系品种的7个主要农艺性状都表现出较大的变异性,变异系数从低到高依次为株高(7.12%)、千粒质量(7.49%)、每穗粒数(9.12%)、穗长(9.61%)、单株粒数(16.69%)、单株穗数(18.37%)、单株粒质量(20.61%)。相关性分析结果表明,3对性状达到了极显著正相关,分别为单株粒数与单株粒质量(相关系数r=0.732)、单株穗数与单株粒数(r=0.577)、单株粒质量与单株穗数(r=0.522);4对性状呈显著正相关,分别是千粒质量与单株粒质量(r=0.371)、穗长与每穗粒数(r=0.278)、株高与穗长(r=0.269)、穗长与单株粒数(r=0.211);2对性状呈显著负相关,分别为株高与每穗粒数(r=-0.214)、每穗粒数与单株穗数(r=-0.399)。聚类分析结果显示,25份K型小麦保持系品种的遗传距离变化范围为1.15~26.25。在遗传距离12.50处,将供试品种划分为5个类群:Ⅰ类群共有17个品种,第Ⅰ类群在遗传距离7.50处,分为3个亚类;第Ⅱ类群有1个品种,为石H09-7075,单株粒质量为8.59 g,低于其他类群;第Ⅲ类群1个品种为浚2016,株高为50.67 cm,低于其他类群;第Ⅳ类群5个品种,包括衡4568、山农0911、周麦16等,单株穗数为9.27个,多于其他类群;第Ⅴ类群为衡5011,株高为70.52 cm,高于其他类群。 In order to provide basis for breeding for male sterile line and maintainer line of K-type wheat and selection of hybrid combination,in this study,the genetic diversity,correlation,and cluster analysis of 7 main agronomic traits of 25 k-type wheat maintainer lines were carried out.The results showed that 7 main agronomic traits of 25 k-type wheat maintainer lines showed great variability,the variation coefficients from low to high were plant height(7.12%),1000-grain weight(7.49%),grain number per spike(9.12%),spike length(9.61%),grain number per plant(16.69%),spike number per plant(18.37%),and grain weight per plant(20.61%).The correlation analysis showed that there were extremely significant positive correlations among the three pairs of traits,which were grain number per plant and grain weight per plant(correlation coefficient r=0.732),spike number per plant and grain number per plant(r=0.577),and grain weight per plant and spike number per plant(r=0.522),respectively.4 significant positive correlations were found between 1000-grain weight and grain weight per plant(r=0.371),spike length and grain number per spike(r=0.278),plant height and spike length(r=0.269),spike length and grain number per plant(r=0.211).2 significant negative correlations were found between plant height and grain number per spike(r=-0.214),grain number per spike and spike number per plant(r=-0.399).Cluster analysis showed that the genetic distance of 25 k-type wheat maintainer lines varied from 1.15 to 26.25.At the genetic distance of 12.50,the tested varieties were divided into 5 groups:there were 17 varieties in Group I,and Group I were divided into 3 sub-groups at the genetic distance of 7.50.There was one variety in Group II,ShiH09-7075,whose grain weight per plant was 8.59 g,lower than that of other groups.There was one variety in Group III,Jun 2016,whose plant height was 50.67 cm,lower than that of other groups.There were five varieties in Gropp IV,including Heng 4568,Shannong 0911,Zhoumai 16 and so on,whose spike number per plant was 9.27,more than that of other groups.There was one variety in Group V,Heng5011,whose plant height was 70.52 cm,higher than that of other groups.
作者 史晓芳 逯腊虎 张伟 张婷 袁凯 杨斌 张建诚 SHI Xiaofang;LU Lahu;ZHANG Wei;ZHANG Ting;YUAN Kai;YANG Bin;ZHANG Jiancheng(Institute of Wheat,Shanxi Agricultural University,Linfen 041000,China;Institute of Cotton,Shanxi Agricultural University,Yuncheng 044000,China)
出处 《山西农业科学》 2024年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 山西省重点研发计划项目(201903D211004-2) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0101602) 山西省农业科学院生物育种工程项目(17YZGC013)。
关键词 K型小麦保持系 农艺性状 遗传多样性 相关性分析 聚类分析 K-type wheat maintainer lines agronomic traits genetic diversity correlation analysis cluster analysis
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