
数字化的经济增长效应研究——来自“一带一路”倡议的证据 被引量:2

The Economic Growth Effect of Digitization——Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 本文研究数字化发展对“一带一路”共建国家经济增长的影响,选取世界银行数据考察数字化如何通过提高企业生产效率、促进技术创新和扩大出口三个渠道为“一带一路”共建国家带来数字红利。研究发现:数字化能够促进经济增长。机制分析表明:第一,数字化通过激励企业创新和降低生产成本提高全要素生产率;第二,数字化能够提高劳动生产率,增加劳动力总需求;但主要提升高技能工人的边际生产率,增加对高学历群体的劳动力需求;第三,数字化能够扩大出口贸易,企业拥有网站和使用电子邮件等数字化工具有助于贸易便利化。进一步分析发现:中国开展对外技术援助有效推动了信息技术和知识外溢,显著推动溢入国经济增长。本文的研究能够为发展中国家加快构建数字经济共同体,实现高质量发展提供政策参考。 Driving inclusive growth,creating job opportunities and optimizing service delivery are key results of digital transformation.China,assumes a pioneering role by catalyzing innovation and facilitating the convergence of digital and physical economies within the nations participating the Belt and Road Initiative.Utilizing World Bank data,this study reveals that digitization has the potential to propel economic growth.Mechanism analysis indicates three key facets.Firstly,digitization can enhance total factor productivity by incentivizing enterprise innovation and reducing production costs.Secondly,digitization can enhance labor productivity and increase the overall labor demand in Belt and Road Intiative.However,its primary impact is on the marginal productivity of high-skilled workers,stimulating employment growth among the highly educated.Thirdly,digitization can facilitate export trade,empowering firms with an online presence and access to tools like email to benefit from improved trade facilitation.Furthermore,the study highlights the efficacy of Chinese communication technology aid in fostering information technology spillovers and knowledge dissemination,thereby fostering digital development along the Belt and Road Intiative and generating significant economic growth.To expedite the establishment of a digital economic community and realize high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative,this paper proposes three recommendations.Firstly,strengthening digital infrastructure construction to expedite the growth of digital exports.Secondly,increasing investment in human capital to enhance digital literacy across the populace,fostering expanded collaboration in education and human resource development.Lastly,encouraging leading Chinese communication technology enterprises to engage in foreign aid initiatives under government guidance,thereby assisting Belt and Road Intiative in improving their digital public service levels.
作者 田利辉 李政 李鑫 Tian Lihui;Li Zheng;Li Xin(Institute of Finance and Development,Nankai University)
出处 《国际金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期39-49,共11页 Studies of International Finance
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国特色社会主义金融学的理论创新和实践探索”(17ZDA071)资助。
关键词 数字化 经济增长 “一带一路”倡议 技术外溢 Digitization Economic Growth The Belt and Road Initiative Technology Spillover
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