

Searching low sidelobes maximal length sequence based on simulated annealing algorithm
摘要 在雷达系统探测中,为了降低噪声干扰和提高雷达探测的能力,需要低自相关旁瓣的序列。最大长度序列(MLS)是通过线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)产生的,周期自相关性较好,但非周期自相关函数旁瓣较高。文章以寄存器所产生MLS的优点因子(MF)作为目标函数,利用模拟退火算法来寻找初始化寄存器最优值,并且使目标函数最大化。MATLAB仿真实验表明,基于模拟退火算法寻找的寄存器最优值,其所产生的最大长度序列的优点因子比初始化的优点因子更高,即非周期自相关旁瓣降低。 In radar system detection,in order to reduce noise interference and improve radar detection capability,low auto-correlation side-lobe sequences are needed.The maximum length sequences is generated by the linear feedback shift register,and the periodic auto-correlation is better,but the aperiodic auto-correlation function side-lobe is higher.In this paper,the merit factors of the register-generated MLS is taken as the objective function,and the simulated annealing algorithm is used to find the optimal value of the initializing register and maximize the objective function.The MATLAB simulation experiment shows that the merit factors of the MLS generated by the optimal value of the register based on the simulated annealing algorithm is higher than that of the initialization,that is,the aperiodic autocorrelation side-lobe decreases.
作者 肖芷诺 XIAO Zhinuo(School of Science,Xihua Univeristy,Chengdu 610093)
机构地区 西华大学理学院
出处 《长江信息通信》 2024年第2期75-78,共4页 Changjiang Information & Communications
关键词 最大长度序列 优点因子 模拟退火算法 The maximum length sequences merit factors simulated annealing algorithm
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