
“第二个结合”形成的历史逻辑 被引量:1

The Historical Logic behind the Formation of the Second Adaption
摘要 “第二个结合”的提出经过了一个长期的、连续的过程。近代以来,民族危机深重,一些进步知识分子逐渐从被动接受西方文化转变为主动向西方文化学习,并在这一过程中坚持中华文化主体性。中国早期马克思主义者对代表旧制度和旧文明的传统文化基本持批判态度,毛泽东则主张将中华民族历史遗产和传统文化中的优秀元素化用到自己的思想和理论体系中,为我们党正确对待中华传统文化提供了基本遵循。改革开放以来,中国共产党人逐步认识到,中华民族的优秀传统文化在马克思主义中国化和社会主义现代化建设中发挥着重要作用,因此提倡继承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化。中国特色社会主义进入新时代,习近平高度重视文化建设,把文化自信和道路自信、理论自信、制度自信并列为中国特色社会主义的“四个自信”,推进我国文化建设在正本清源、守正创新中取得历史性成就,最终提出“第二个结合”的理论。 The conceptualization of the Second Adaption did not emerge abruptly but was the culmination of a long and continuous evolution.From the onset of the modern era,the nation faced profound crises.This reality prompted a shift among some progressive intellectuals from a stance of passive acceptance to one of active engagement with Western culture,all the while maintaining the integrity of Chinese cultural identity.Early Marxists in China generally held a critical view of the traditional culture that represented the old system and civilization.Mao Zedong,however,argued for the utilization of the finest elements of the Chinese nation's historical heritage and traditional culture to enrich the nation's own ideological and theoretical systems.This stance provided fundamental guidance for our Party's appropriate engagement with traditional Chinese culture.After the introduction of the reform and opening up policy in the late 1970s,Chinese Communists increasingly recognized the immense value of the best of the nation's traditional culture in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and in advancing socialist modernization,leading to a call for the inheritance and promotion of this cultural legacy.Since socialism with Chinese characteristics ushered in a new era,Xi Jinping has placed a high premium on cultural advancement.He has positioned cultural confidence on par with confidence in China's path,theories,and system integral to socialism with Chinese characteristics.This conceptual framework has driven China's cultural advancement,achieving significant historical milestones in dispelling ambiguities and misconceptions,while innovating upon the successes of its heritage.This progressive methodology has ultimately led to the establishment of the Second Adaptation.
作者 冯继康 Feng Jikang
机构地区 山东师范大学
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 北大核心 2024年第1期19-25,204,共8页 Marxism & Reality
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