
黄河流域创新要素集聚对碳排放效率的影响研究 被引量:7

Impacts of innovation factor agglomeration on carbon emission efficiency in the Yellow River Basin
摘要 创新要素集聚作为“双碳”战略实施的关键支撑,对助力黄河流域低碳可持续发展具有重要作用。本文探究2006—2019年黄河流域78个地级市创新要素集聚与碳排放效率的时空分布特征及空间关联,基于STIRPAT理论构建的面板回归模型和空间杜宾模型探究创新要素集聚对碳排放效率的影响机理。研究表明:(1)黄河流域创新要素集聚呈“大分散,小集中”空间演变格局,以省会为主导的多极化集聚特征显著,碳排放效率呈现“下游高,中上游低”的空间分布格局,创新要素集聚与碳排放效率存在高高、低低、高低、低高4种关联模式,并由“点状分散”向“片状集中”分布转变。(2)技术成果集聚与碳排放效率存在“U”型关系,创新人才集聚与创新资金集聚对碳排放效率的影响均呈正相关,而创新资金集聚的影响系数不显著,不同资源富集和空间区位地市的创新要素集聚对碳排放效率具有异质性效应。(3)技术成果集聚的空间溢出效应未形成“U”型影响曲线,而创新人才集聚和创新资金集聚均具有显著的正向溢出效应。本文从加强创新要素空间互动、加快创新人才积累、促进创新资金流动等方面提出对策建议,为黄河流域激发创新活力、推进绿色低碳转型和高质量发展等提供借鉴。 As a key supporting engine for the implementation of China′s "Carbon Peak" and "Carbon Neutrality" strategy,innovation factor agglomeration plays an important role in contributing to the low-carbon and sustainable development of the Yellow River Basin(YRB).This study explored the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and spatial correlations between innovation factor agglomeration and carbon emission efficiency of 78 prefecture-level cities in the YRB from 2006 to 2019.On the basis of STRIPAT theory,the panel regression model and the spatial Durbin model were constructed to investigate the influence mechanism as the result of innovation factor agglomeration on carbon emission efficiency in the YRB.The main results are as follows:(1) The agglomeration of innovation factors in the study area presented a spatial evolution pattern of "large dispersion and small concentration",in which a significant characteristic of multipolar agglomeration was dominated by provincial capitals.The spatial distribution of carbon emission efficiency showed a pattern of "a high level in the downstream area and a low level in the middle and upstream areas".There were four patterns of correlation between innovation factor agglomeration and carbon emission efficiency:highhigh,low-low,high-low,and low-high.The spatial distribution of the four patterns changed from "point-like dispersion" to "piece-like concentration".(2) Technological achievement agglomeration and carbon emission efficiency presented a significant U-shaped relationship,and both innovative talent agglomeration and innovative capital agglomeration had a positive impact on carbon emission efficiency;however,the impact coefficient of innovative capital agglomeration was not significant.Besides,three innovation factor agglomerations of different resource-rich and spatially located cities had heterogeneous effects on carbon emission efficiency.(3) The spatial spillover effect of technological achievement agglomeration did not form a Ushaped curve,while both innovative talent agglomeration and innovative capital agglomeration had significant positive spillover effects on carbon emission efficiency.This study put forward some suggestions in terms of strengthening the spatial interaction of innovation factors,accelerating the accumulation of innovative talents and promoting the flow of innovative capital,which provided a reference for the YRB to stimulate innovation vitality,promote green and low-carbon transformation and high-quality development.
作者 郑瑞婧 程钰 ZHENG Ruijing;CHENG Yu(College of Geography and Environment,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250358,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期577-595,共19页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42371194) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(22CJJJ06) 山东省重点研发计划(软科学重大项目)(2022RZA01007)。
关键词 创新要素集聚 碳排放效率 Super-SBM模型 空间杜宾模型 黄河流域 innovation factor aggregation carbon emission efficiency Super-SBM model spatial Durbin model Yellow River Basin
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