

China’s Exploration of Building Northeast Asian Security Cooperation Mech⁃anism:from the Perspective of Security Community
摘要 东北亚地区是中国周边外交重点,对中国和平发展具有重要战略意义。随着东北亚安全局势逐渐复杂,构建东北亚安全合作机制的必要性和重要性日益凸显。当前东北亚地区大国博弈加剧,安全风险多元化、集聚化,域外力量介入加强等问题愈发凸出。中国可以安全共同体理念为指导,通过多角度发力,推动构建东北亚安全合作机制。一是做好顶层设计和规划,持续加强政治往来,深化国家间关系,创造性打造利益共同体;二是借助共建“一带一路”倡议,夯实域内国家间经济合作基础,进一步加强发展合作;三是积极提供地区公共安全产品,努力维护区域稳定与发展。 Due to the long-term lack of mature multilateral security cooperation mechanisms in Northeast Asia,the security situation in Northeast Asia has become increasingly com⁃plex and the security dilemma has become increasingly prominent amid the intensifi⁃cation of great power competition and the accelerated evolution of the international landscape.Although China keeps playing an active and constructive role and main⁃taining its own security and promoting stability in Northeast Asia to a certain extent,problems such as the intensification of competition between major powers in North⁃east Asia,the diversification and concentration of security risks in the region,and the intensification of the intervention of external forces have become increasingly seri⁃ous.The necessity and importance of building security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia have become increasingly significant.Increasing competition among major powers,intensifying tensions around China,and various intertwined security is⁃sues have made the security dilemma China faces in Northeast Asia become more se⁃rious and volatile.By proposing the concept of security community and global securi⁃ty initiatives,China has provided theoretical guidance and action plans to build Northeast Asian security cooperation mechanism and then try to build Northeast Asian security community to safeguard its own and regional security.First,in the po⁃litical field,enhance mutual trust,deepen relations between countries,and build a community of interests;second,in the economic field,use the“One Belt,One Road”initiative and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement(RCEP)to consolidate economic cooperative foundation in the regional countries and further strengthen development cooperation;third,in the security field,assume the responsi⁃bilities as a major power,further focus on providing public security goods,and strive to maintain regional stability and development.
作者 郭锐 王雪松 GUO Rui;WANG Xuesong
出处 《东北亚学刊》 2024年第2期14-26,144,共14页 Journal of Northeast Asia Studies
基金 福建省社会科学研究基地重大项目“习近平外交思想对西方传统地缘政治理论的超越研究”(FJ2020MJDZ011)。
关键词 安全共同体 东北亚安全合作机制 新安全观 新型国际关系 共建“一带一路”倡议 Community of Security in Northeast Asia security cooperation mecha⁃nism in Northeast Asia new security concept new type of international relations Belt and Road Initatives(BRI)
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