

Mongolia’s Security Cooperation with NATO
摘要 蒙古国通过支持北约主导的涉外军事行动、参与“科学促进和平与安全”计划等方式,与北约建立了政治对话与合作的基本框架。蒙古国在“第三邻国”外交政策框架下,加入北约“和平伙伴关系”计划,实现了提升本国地缘战略地位、扩大国际影响力、获取军事援助、助推武装力量改革的目标。北约与蒙古国以共同价值观为纽带、以“互操作性平台”为依托,不断加强安全合作。美国在“印太战略”框架下,可能会通过北约将蒙古国纳入其“亚太化”进程,但蒙古国鉴于特殊的地缘政治环境和整体的对外战略,发展与北约的关系会较为慎重。 Since the 1990s,Mongolia has established a basic framework for political dialogue and bilateral cooperation with NATO through its support for NATO-led military oper⁃ations abroad and its participation in the Science for Peace and Security program,and in 2012 it joined NATO’s Global Partnership Program.Within the framework of its foreign policy of“third neighbor”,Mongolia has built new pillars of national secu⁃rity development by strengthening security cooperation with NATO,expanding its in⁃fluence in the international community,and actively seeking military assistance for the reform of its armed forces.The two sides will continue to strengthen military coop⁃eration in the areas of cybersecurity,foreign-related military operations and emerg⁃ing technologies on the basis of the Interoperability Platform,and NATO will take the initiative to deepen its relations with Mongolia on the basis of the value of“democra⁃cy”.At the same time,with the shift of the U.S.strategic center of gravity in the Asia-Pacific region,the U.S.may push NATO to incorporate Mongolia into its“Asia-Pacif⁃icization”process.In recent years,affected by the new crown epidemic and the Ukraine crisis,Mongolia in the full assessment of the geopolitical environment in the basis,pay more attention to its“third neighboring country”diplomatic strategy,does not rule out that Mongolia will further strengthen the security cooperation with NATO,in the limited areas of cooperation to continue to seek new breakthroughs,China needs to be vigilant about this.Mongolia’s geopolitical environment and for⁃eign policy determine that Mongolia will be more cautious in developing its relation⁃ship with NATO,and will strive to avoid the imbalance of its diplomatic and security strategy caused by the intensification of geopolitical competition among the big pow⁃ers.
作者 尹一平 田艳秋 YIN Yiping;TIAN Yanqiu
机构地区 国防科技大学
出处 《东北亚学刊》 2024年第2期48-65,146,共19页 Journal of Northeast Asia Studies
关键词 蒙古国 北约 安全合作 互操作性平台 “第三邻国”外交 北约“亚太化” Mongolia NATO security cooperation interoperability platform diplo⁃macy of“the third neighborhood” NATO’s Asia-Pacificization
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