

Experimental study on field fertilizer efficiency of fresh corn soil testing and formula fertilization in Wenzhou
摘要 为指导温州市鲜食玉米科学合理施肥,提升生产效益,研究开展“3414”田间肥效试验,发现不同土壤条件下,影响产量的关键肥料因素不同,开展鲜食玉米测土配方施肥意义重大。土壤有机质含量在保障基础产量和提升产量方面发挥重要作用,在生产中尤其要注重有机肥和普通化肥的配合施用。本地区肥料施用效益较高,但在实际生产中要避免唯产量论,需追求收益最大化,在确保最佳收益水平下,减少肥料用量。根据模型,本研究2个试验点每667 m^(2)最大效益值分别可达到3285.59、3129.29元,鹿城区相应氮、磷、钾最佳施肥量为22.40、15.56、26.68 kg,文成县相应氮、磷、钾最佳施肥量为26.25、15.98、19.50 kg。结合土壤肥力情况,整体来看温州地区每667 m^(2)施用N 25 kg、P 15 kg、K 25 kg,即N∶P∶K为1.67∶1∶1.67,作为基础施肥量具有一定的指导意义,在此基础上根据鲜食玉米产区土壤成分进行施肥量调整,可以为科学施肥提供理论指导。 In order to guide the scientific and rational fertilization of fresh corn in Wenzhou City and improve the production efficiency,the“3414”field fertilizer efficiency test was carried out in this study.It was found that the key fertilizer factors affecting the yield were different under different soil conditions,and it was of great significance to carry out soil testing and formula fertilization of fresh corn.Soil organic matter content plays an important role in ensuring the basic yield and improving the yield,and special attention should be paid to the combined application of organic fertilizer and ordinary chemical fertilizer in production.The efficiency of fertilizer application in this region is high,but in the actual production,it is necessary to avoid yield theory,and it is necessary to pursue the maximization of income and reduce the amount of fertilizer under the condition of ensuring the best income level.According to the model,the maximum benefit values per 667 m^(2)of the two experimental sites in this study could reach 3285.59 and 3129.29 yuan,respectively,and the optimal fertilization rates of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in Lucheng District were 22.40,15.56 and 26.68 kg,and the optimal fertilization rates of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium in Wencheng County were 26.25,15.98 and 19.50 kg.Combined with the soil fertility,on the whole,the application of N 25 kg,P 15 kg and K 25 kg per 667 m^(2)in Wenzhou area,that is,N∶P∶K is 1.67∶1∶1.67,which has certain guiding significance as the basic fertilization rate.
作者 黄业昌 曾玮 邓力章 康玉柳 潘彬荣 HUANG Yechang;ZENG Wei;DENG Lizhang;KANG Yuliu;PAN Binrong(Wenzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology Wenzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wenzhou 325105,Zhejiang;Wenzhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Wenzhou 325105,Zhejiang;Key Laboratory of Crop Breeding in Southern Zhejiang,Wenzhou 325105,Zhejiang)
出处 《浙江农业科学》 2024年第3期536-540,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 温州市农业丰收计划(FSJH2020009) 文成县校地科技合作项目(2020NKY06) 温州市科技特派员项目(X2023052) 浙江省农业(旱粮新品种选育)新品种选育重大科技专项子课题(2021C02064-4-4) 温州市农业新品种选育协作组项目(20192X006-4) 温州市农业基础性公益科研项目(N20220032)。
关键词 鲜食玉米 测土配方施肥 产量 收益 fresh corn soil testing and formula fertilization yield income
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