

Biocontrol Effect of Bacillus amylolyticus B235 on Peanut Root Rot
摘要 利用功能微生物防治花生根腐病是一种环境友好、绿色高效的防控措施。本研究进行了盆栽及田间小区试验,观察花生根腐病的发病情况及解淀粉芽孢杆菌B235对镰孢菌的防治效果。病原菌接种试验结果表明:接种镰孢菌的花生种子出苗慢、主侧根短小、发病率高,出苗率最差的为混合F1和F2两株菌的处理,出苗率仅为28.2%。盆栽生防试验结果表明:与接种病原菌的处理组相比,接种生防菌B235后能显著提升花生的发芽率和出苗率,发芽率和出苗率均在60%以上,最高可分别达到68.5%和65.3%;根腐病病情指数显著降低,防治效果均达60%以上,最高可分别达69.5%和65.5%。小区试验结果表明:相较于对照处理组,生防菌处理组表现为出苗率高、根系发达;在开花期,发病率为4.5%,显著低于常规处理的6.7%和对照处理的10.5%;在成熟期,各处理组发病率差异明显,对照组花生镰孢菌根腐病发病严重,发生率达19.8%,生防菌B235处理组根腐病发生较轻,为5.0%,显著低于常规处理的7.3%,且增产显著;同时发现接种菌株B235对花生根际微生物群落结构及多样性也产生积极的影响。综上所述,生防菌B235能够显著降低根腐病的发生、促进花生生长和产量提升,且有利于保持土壤微生态,具有较强的推广应用前景。 Using functional microorganisms to control peanut root rot is an environmentally friendly,green and efficient prevention and control measure.In this study,pot experiment and field plot experiment were carried out to observe the incidence of peanut root rot disease and the control effect of Bacillus amylolyticus B235 on Fusarium.The results of pathogen inoculation showed that after inoculation with Fusarium,peanut seed germination was slow,the taproot and lateral roots were short,and the incidence was high,and the worst seed emergence rate was only 28.2%according to the mixed treatment of F1 and F2 strains.The results of pot experiment showed that,compared with the pathogen inoculation treatment,the germination rate and seedling emergence rate of peanut after inoculation with biocontrol bacteria B235 were significantly increased,and the germination rate and seedling emergence rate were both above 60%,with the highest result reached to 68.5%and 65.3%,respectively.The disease index of root rot decreased significantly,and the control effect was above 60%,with the highest result reached to 69.5%and 65.5%,respectively.The plot test results showed that compared with the control treatment,the peanut under the biocontrol treatment showed higher seedling emergence rate and well-developed root system;at the flowering stage,the incidence was 4.5%,which was significantly lower than 6.7%in conventional treatment and 10.5%in blank control;at the mature stage of peanut,the incidence of Fusarium root rot in the control treatment was serious(19.8%),while the incidence of Fusarium root rot in the biocontrol B235 treatment group was light(5.0%),significantly lower than that of the conventional treatment(7.3%),and the yield increase was significant;it was further found that the inoculation with strain B235 had positive effects on the population structure and diversity of rhizosphere microorganisms.These results indicated that the biocontrol bacteria B235 could significantly reduce the occurrence of root rot,promote the growth and increase the yield of peanut,and presented a strong prospect on its extension and application.
作者 张丽芳 曹阳 张兰 ZHANG Li-fang;CAO Yang;ZHANG Lan(Jiangsu Food and Pharmaceutical Science College,Huai'an 223003,China)
出处 《花生学报》 北大核心 2024年第1期72-78,共7页 Journal of Peanut Science
基金 食品检验检测技术国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队项目(教师函[2021]7号)。
关键词 解淀粉芽孢杆菌 花生 根腐病 镰孢菌 生物防治 Bacillus amylolyticus peanut root rot Fusarium biological control
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