

Not a Simple Wheat Grain:Re-discussion on the Proposed Grain Sales to China by the United States during the Kennedy Administration
摘要 冷战时期,粮食是美国用来遇制“肚子共产主义”的武器,美国政府通过粮食援助来谋求政治外交的目标。肯尼迪政府时期,面对中国的粮食危机,美国做出“3/4的承诺”,表示如果收到中方的请求,可以提供粮食援助。关于对华售粮问题,美国的思维出发点是冷战政治,而非“人道主义”。美国试图打着“人道”的旗号向中国内地伸出缓和的触角,以便留下进退余地。中国台湾当局虽曾劝阻美国援助中国内地,但并不能左右美国政府的态度。因未收到中方“请求”,“3/4的承诺”无果。然而,美国对华缓和的触角终将伸出,“门半开”的状态已然确立,并在随后不久开始了更大尺度改变对华政策的讨论。“变”是确定要“变”的,美国的迟疑在于“如何变”才损失小且不失体面。售粮问题是美国在政策调整初期的一次试探。 During the Cold War,grain was a weapon used by the United States to contain"Stomach Communism",and the U.S.government sought political and diplomatic goals through food aid.During the Kennedy Administration,in the face of China's food crisis,the United States made a"3/4 commitment"that it could provide food aid if it received a request from the Chinese side.On the issue of grain sales to China,the starting point of U.S.thinking was the politics of the Cold War,not"humanitarianism."The United States was trying to extend the tentacles of moderation to the Chinese mainland under the banner of"humanity"in order to leave room for retreat.Although the China Taiwan authorities once dissuaded the United States from assisting China's mainland,it could not influence the attitude of the U.S.Government.Due to the failure to receive a"request"from the Chinese side,the"3/4 commitment"was fruitless.However,the tentacles of the United States'conciliatory attitude towards China would eventually stretch out.The"half-open door"had been established,and discussions on changing its policy toward China on a larger scale began soon afterwards."Change"was certain to"change",and the hesitation of the United States was because"how to change"could make a small loss without losing dignity.The issue of grain sales was a trial in the early stage of U.S.policy adjustment.
作者 冯琳 Feng Lin
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期117-135,7,8,共21页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“美国对台政策及蒋美互动的历史考察(19491979)”(项目编号:21AZS011)阶段性成果。
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