Local records are a form of historical literature with the largest quantity and richest contents in preservation of Confucius Temples historical references of various places.Confucius Temples historical references in local records are mostly composed of four types:Confucius Temple maps,historical references on Confucius Temple rules,historical references on worship ceremonies,and tablets inscriptions records,which have important values for research on the development history of Confucius Temples.Among these,Confucius Temple maps and historical references on Confucius Temple rules in ancient local records over the generations have very important academic values for the understanding of features of Confucius Temples such as geographic position,layout of Confucius Temple school,and architectural forms and systems,and the same goes for historical references on worship ceremonies for the understanding of features of the worship such as persons being worshipped,worship protocol,worship music,worship items,and worship utensils;and tablets inscriptions records for the understanding of circumstances of the Confucius Temples in terms of establishment,expansion,reconstruction,and operations.Comprehensive and systematic sorting of Confucius Temple historical references in ancient local records over the generations has important significance for the overall grasp of geographic distribution of Confucius Temples all over the country,the spread of Confucianism and Confucianism education in ancient times,and the protection and restoration of Confucius Temples architectural relics.
Wang Peifeng;Shi Feng
China Local Records