

Process optimization of producing industrial crude white oil in wax oil hydrocracking unit
摘要 在中国石油云南石化有限公司210万t/a蜡油加氢裂化装置上,通过采取提高反应器床层温度,优化产品馏分,升高航空煤油(航煤)和柴油闪点等措施,生产出工业粗白油产品。结果表明:装置工艺操作参数优化后,生产的柴油达到5号粗白油标准,航煤除芳烃质量分数外,其他达到3号粗白油标准,但航煤、柴油、粗白油原料的总收率降低5.33个百分点;高温能够促进多环芳烃加氢反应的进行,有利于改善产品油的颜色;航煤中轻馏分含芳烃质量分数最高;提高分馏塔塔顶温度和航煤塔塔底温度,增加柴油塔汽提蒸汽量后,航煤和柴油的闪点分别由48,91℃升高至69,125℃;投用柴油脱水装置后,柴油含水量仅为85μg/g。 Industrial crude white oil product was produced by increasing the reactor bed temperature,optimizing product fractions,and increasing the flash point of aviation kerosene and diesel in the 2.1 Mt/a wax oil hydrocracking unit of Yunnan Petrochemical Co Ltd of PetroChina.The results showed that the produced diesel reached the standard of 5#crude white oil,and the aviation kerosene,except for the mass fraction of aromatics,reached the standard of 3#crude white oil after optimizing the process operation parameters of the unit.However,the total yield of aviation kerosene,diesel and crude white oil decreased by 5.33 percentage points.High temperature could promote the hydrogenation reaction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,which was beneficial for improving the color of the product oil.The light fraction of aviation kerosene had the highest mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons.Through increasing the top temperature of the fractionation tower and the bottom temperature of the aviation kerosene tower and increasing the amount of steam extracted from the diesel tower,the flash points of aviation kerosene and diesel increased from 48,91℃to 69,125℃respectively.After using the diesel dehydration device,the water content of diesel was only 85μg/g.
作者 张华阳 杨志和 李景耀 ZHANG Hua-yang;YANG Zhi-he;LI Jing-yao(Planning and Science and Technology Information Department,Yunnan Petrochemical Co Ltd,PetroChina,Anning 650399,China)
出处 《石化技术与应用》 CAS 2024年第2期121-124,共4页 Petrochemical Technology & Application
关键词 蜡油加氢裂化 航空煤油 柴油 粗白油 反应器 分馏塔 闪点 wax oil hydrocracking aviation kerosene diesel crude white oil reactor fractiona-tion tower flash point
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