

Leading Mobilization and Rule Production:Dual Paths of Rural Grassroots Deliberative Democracy Construction——Based on 31 Cases through fsQCA
摘要 推进农村基层协商民主建设,是实践全过程人民民主、深化基层民主政治建设的重要内容。既有研究虽已涉及农村基层协商民主建设的影响因素分析,但以单维度的因果分析为主,无法有效呈现复杂环境下多重因素的复合影响。基于协商系统理论,通过省思协商系统的外部环境和内部要素建构分析框架,提炼出文化引导、资源整合、主体参与、空间营造、程序规范五个变量,在全国村级议事协商创新试点单位中抽取31个案例进行模糊集定性比较分析。研究发现,农村基层协商民主实践已生成“引领动员型”和“规则生产型”两种基本路径。前者主要依托于中国共产党强大的政治动能和组织优势,借助组织嵌入、资源整合和文化培育等多重动员机制,促成政党组织力与协商实践的深度融合,衔接和整合多方主体行动,挖掘和利用乡村地方性知识,引领基层协商民主的实践细节和发展方向。后者将制度规则视为关键变量,以规范性制度文件、现代化管理方法以及信息化治理技术将议事协商的流程机制和运行规范确定下来,为协商主体行为提供具体而清晰的程序保障和积极约束,使议事协商过程和结果充分反映公共意志和公共诉求。两种协商实践路径共同发力助推协商系统的优化升级,有效推进了复杂治理和简约治理双重导向下的乡村治理现代化建设,形塑了政党特色鲜明的中国式政治民主发展之路。 Promoting the construction of rural grassroots deliberative democracy is an important part of practicing the entire process of people’s democracy and deepening the construction of grassroots democratic politics.Existing research has already involved the analysis of the influencing factors of rural grassroots de-liberative democracy construction,but it mainly focuses on single dimensional causal analysis,which can-not effectively present the composite effects of multiple factors in complex environments.Based on the theo-ry of deliberation systems,constructing an analytical framework by the external environment and internal el-ements of deliberation systems,and extracting five variables:cultural guidance,resource integration,sub-ject participation,spatial creation,and procedural norms.31 cases were selected from the national pilot u-nits for village level deliberation innovation for fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis.Research has found that the practice of rural grassroots deliberative democracy has generated two basic paths:“leading mobilization”and“rule production”.The former mainly relies on the strong political momentum and organ-izational advantages of the CPC,through multiple mobilization mechanisms such as organizational embed-dedness,resource integration and cultural cultivation,which promotes the deep integration of political party organizational strength and deliberation practice,connects and integrates multi-party actions,digs and uti-lizes local knowledge in rural areas,leads the practice details and development direction of grassroots delib-erative democracy.The latter regards institutional rules as key variables,emphasizing the determination of the process mechanism and operational norms of deliberation through normative institutional documents,modern management methods,and information governance technology,providing specific and clear proce-dural guarantees and positive constraints for the behavior of negotiators,so that the process and results of deliberation fully reflect public will and demands.The joint efforts of two deliberation practice paths have promoted the optimization and upgrading of deliberation systems,effectively promoting the modernization of rural governance with a balance between complex and simplified governance,and shaping a distinctive Chi-nese style political and democratic development path for political parties.
作者 韩瑞波 彭娟 HAN Ruibo;PENG Juan(School of Politics and International Studies,Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China)
出处 《探索》 北大核心 2024年第2期58-72,共15页 Probe
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“完善基层直接民主制度体系和工作体系研究”(23ZDA069),项目负责人:唐鸣。
关键词 基层民主 协商民主 协商系统 政党引领 乡村治理 grassroots democracy deliberative femocracy deliberative system Party leading rural governance
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