

Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Thyroid Carcinoma Based on the Theory of Cancer Toxin Pathogenesis
摘要 程海波教授团队在传承国医大师周仲瑛癌毒学说基础上提出中医癌毒病机理论。癌毒病机理论认为,甲状腺癌是由水土失宜、情志内伤、饮食不节等因素致气滞、痰凝、血瘀、癌毒聚于颈部而发病。甲状腺癌的主要病理因素为“气、痰、瘀、毒”;病位在颈前,与肝、脾、肾密切相关;“肝气郁滞、痰瘀蕴毒”为其核心病机;病性多为虚实夹杂,疾病后期多为气阴虚损;临证以“抗癌解毒、扶正祛邪”为治疗原则,针对癌毒盛衰及疾病不同分期特点灵活运用疏肝理气、化痰散结、祛瘀解毒、益气养阴等治法。本文以癌毒病机理论为基础探讨甲状腺癌病机演变及相应治法,以期为甲状腺癌辨治提供新思路。 On the basis of inheriting the cancer toxin theory of Zhou Zhongying,a national TCM master,Professor Cheng Haibo’s team proposes the theory of cancer toxin pathogenesis.This theory believes that thyroid carcinoma is caused by pathogenic surroundings,emotional injury,irregular diet and other factors,which cause the accumulation of qi stagnation,phlegm coagulation,blood stasis and cancer toxin in the neck.The main pathological factors of thyroid carcinoma are“qi,phlegm,stasis and toxin”.The disease is located in front of the neck and is greatly related to liver,spleen and kidney.“Liver-qi stagnation,phlegm and stasis containing toxin”is its core pathogenesis.The nature of the disease is mostly a mixture of deficiency and excess,and in the later stage of the disease,qi and yin are always depleted.The general principle of treatment in clinic is“anti-cancer and detoxification,strengthening vital energy and dispelling pathological factors”.In view of the rise and fall of cancer toxin and the characteristics of different stages of the disease,it is recommended to soothe liver and regulate qi,dissolve phlegm and disperse lumps,reduce stasis and detoxify,benefit qi and nourish yin in the clinical treatment of thyroid carcinoma.Based on the theory of cancer toxin pathogenesis,the pathogenesis evolution and relevant treatment is discussed,in order to provide new ideas for the syndrome differentiation and treatment of thyroid carcinoma.
作者 方妍 陶李蕙苹 程海波 FANG Yan;TAO Lihuiping;CHENG Haibo(The First Clinical Medical College,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China;Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Prevention and Treatment of Tumor,Nanjing 210023,China;Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210029,China)
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2024年第4期16-19,共4页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划“中医药现代化”重点专项(2022YFC3500200、2022YFC3500201) 国家中医药管理局中医药创新团队及人才支持计划项目(ZYYCXTD-C-202208) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程(PAPD)。
关键词 甲状腺癌 癌毒病机理论 治则治法 癌毒 thyroid carcinoma theory of cancer toxin pathogenesis therapeutic principles and methods cancer toxin
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