

Research on high quality development of food industry:Practice from Jiangxi
摘要 食品工业是国民经济的重要支柱产业,食品产业高质量发展不仅事关全民福祉,也有利于培育经济增长新动能和助力经济社会高质量发展。本文以江西省为例,采用质性研究方法,分析当前食品产业的现实基础和存在问题,探索食品产业高质量发展的实施路径和支持政策。研究表明,近年来食品产业的发展规模得到显著提升,食品安全法律法规体系和监管制度在逐渐完善,市场监管力度和技术创新实力在不断加强,绿色产业链条在不断健全。但仍存在食品产业链条不强、食品出口竞争力不强、食品安全监管有待提升等问题。为促进食品产业高质量发展,提出了优化食品产业结构布局、加强食品产业科技创新、提升食品产业品牌价值、推动食品产业的绿色可持续、加强食品产业人才培养与引进的实施路径。同时,需要给予更多政策去引导食品企业明确品牌定位,鼓励开拓国内外市场;完善市场投融资机制,助力食品企业提质发展;完善食品监管体系建设,建立食品安全全过程追溯机制;制定和推行绿色生产标准体系,提高产品市场竞争力和消费者认可度。 Food industry is an important pillar industry of national economy.High-quality development of food industry is not only related to the well-being of the whole people,but also conducive to cultivating new kinetic energy of economic growth and helping high-quality economic and social development.Taking Jiangxi Province as an example,this paper analyzed the realistic foundation and existing problems of the current food industry and explored the implementation path and supporting policies for the high-quality development of the food industry by the qualitative research method.Results show that,in recent years,the development scale of food industry has been significantly improved,the food safety laws and regulations system and supervision system are gradually improved,the market supervision and technological innovation strength are constantly increasing,and the green industrial chain is constantly improving.However,there are still some problems,including weak food industry chain,weak food export competitiveness and loopholes in food safety supervision.To promote the high-quality development of food industry,this paper puts forward the following implementation suggestions:optimizing the structure and layout of food industry,strengthening the scientific and technological innovation of food industry,enhancing the brand value of food industry,promoting the green sustainability of food industry,and strengthening the training and introduction of talents in food industry.At the same time,it is necessary to give more policies to guide food enterprises to clarify their brand positioning and encourage the development of domestic and foreign markets,to enhance the market investment and financing mechanism to help food enterprises to improve their quality and development,to establish a food supervision system and a traceability mechanism for the whole process of food safety,and to formulate and implement a green production standard system tc improve product market competitiveness and consumer recognition.
作者 张利国 彭继权 ZHANG Li-guo;PENG Ji-quan(School of Economics,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang,Jiangxi 330013,China)
出处 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-9,共9页 Research of Agricultural Modernization
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(23&ZD110) 国家自然科学基金项目(72073054,72063012) 江西省社会科学基金项目(23YJ12)。
关键词 食品产业 高质量发展 食品质量 食品安全 食品监管 江西实践 food industry high quality development food quality food safety food supervision Jiangxi practice
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