

The Narrative Logic and Value of Great Party Building Spirit Discourse
摘要 伟大建党精神是中国共产党百年奋斗的精神基因,其话语生成以民族意识觉醒为前提,以政党创建为现实依据,历经百年党史淬炼,最终形成科学化、系统化的理论表达。伟大建党精神话语叙事逻辑相互照应,人物细节叙事将视野聚焦历史人物,运用回忆视角还原党史人物,尽显人格魅力;大历史观整体叙事将视野放置历史长河中,在语境变迁中升华内涵,与民族复兴主线共生同行;时代观叙事凝聚在第二个百年奋斗目标上,通过把握时代脉搏以精神助力新征程。伟大建党精神话语叙事对弘扬伟大建党精神以增进对中国共产党的认同,推动中国共产党人精神谱系大众化、凝心聚力全面建设社会主义现代化国家、发扬历史主动精神、提振文化自信等方面,具有重要价值。 The great party building spirit is the spiritual gene of the centennial struggle of the Communist Party of China.Its discourse generation is based on the awakening of national consciousness and the establishment of the party as the basis of reality.After being tempered by the century-old history of the party,it has finally formed a scientific and systematic theoretical expression.The narrative logic of the great party building spirit discourse echoes each other.The detailed narration of characters focuses on the historical figures and restores the party history figures from the perspective of recall,so that the personality charm is fully displayed.The overall narrative of the grand historical view places its vision in the long history,sublimates its connotation in the context change,and coexists with the main line of national rejuvenation.The narrative of time view condenses on the second centenary goal and helps the new journey by grasping the pulse of the times.The discourse and narration of the great party building spirit are of great value in carrying forward the great spirit of party building to enhance the recognition of the Communist Party of China,promoting the popularity of the spiritual spectrum to gather the heart and strength to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way,and carrying forward the historical initiative spirit to boost cultural self-confidence.
作者 王越芬 徐进杰 WANG Yuefen;XU Jinjie(School of Marxism,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)
出处 《重庆交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目思想政治理论课及“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想”专题教学改革研究重点项目“高校思想政治理论课网络教学模式创新研究”(SJGSZ2020004) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划专题重点项目“中国共产党坚强领导语境下自我革命的必要性和实践路径研究”(21KSA435)。
关键词 中国共产党 伟大建党精神 叙事逻辑 The Communist Party of China the great party building spirit narrative logic
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