
冲击地压自发性静-动状态突变机制试验研究 被引量:1

Experimental study on self-initiated static-dynamic state catastrophic mechanisms of coal bursts
摘要 冲击地压自发性静-动状态突变行为是其成灾的关键一步,然而这一动力过程和对灾变的触发机制尚未得到广泛关注和清晰认识。为此,在改进传统煤-岩组合体室内试验方法的基础上,开展准静态位移加载条件下的冲击地压和静态脆性破坏物理模拟试验。通过搭建多源信息监测系统,捕捉了ms级时间尺度上静、动力学数据的瞬态突变,从力学和能量角度研究自发性静-动状态转换的突变过程、形成机制和其在触发冲击地压中的作用,并据此提出冲击地压机制的新认识。研究发现冲击地压灾变过程中的围岩弹性回跳动力行为,并发现这一行为是控制灾害自发性静-动状态突变的关键。在力学方面,这一行为对煤岩产生了冲击荷载,直接触发了动力过程,可被认为是冲击地压的直接原因;在能量方面,这一行为以瞬态做功的形式,将围岩积累的应变能向煤岩汇聚,并缩短了煤岩失稳所需的时间,最终引起煤岩足够大的能量释放速率,可被认为是冲击地压动力灾变的内在原因。 The self-initiated static-dynamic state catastrophe behaviour is a key step in coal bursts.However,its dynamic processes and triggering mechanism to coal bursts have not been extensively explored and fully understood.Addressing this gap,our study modified the traditional coal-rock combined specimen and the corresponding indoor experimental method,and implemented physical experiments to simulate coal bursts and static brittle failure under quasi-static displacement loading conditions.Additionally,a novel multi-source information monitoring system was developed,enabling the capture of transient changes in both static and dynamic data on a millisecond time scale.With the new developed experimental method,a comprehensive investigation was conducted to explore the catastrophe process,formation mechanisms of the static-dynamic state catastrophe behaviour,as well as its role in triggering coal bursts.Then some novel insights into the mechanism of coal bursts were put forward.As a result,the elastic rebound dynamic behaviour of the surrounding rock during burst events was founded and identified as a key factor in controlling the self-initiated static-dynamic state catastrophic process.Mechanically,this behaviour exerts impact loads on the coal,directly initiating the dynamic process,and thus can be considered as the direct cause of coal burst.Energetically,through elastic rebound,the surrounding rock works on the coal instantaneously and promotes a large amount of elastic energy it stored to converge to the coal,and effectively reduces the time required for instability,and eventually leading to a large enough energy release rate,which is the inherent cause for coal burst.
作者 钱源 赵程 幸金权 潘昊宇 魏蕤 黄云龙 QIAN Yuan;ZHAO Cheng;XING Jinquan;PAN Haoyu;WEI Rui;HUANG Yunlong(College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;School of Engineering,Tibet University,Lhasa,Tibet 850000,China)
出处 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期698-712,共15页 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(U22A20597,42142019) 西藏自治区科技计划“揭榜挂帅”项目(XZ202303ZY0006G)。
关键词 岩石力学 静-动状态突变 自发性 弹性回跳 动力灾变 岩爆 rock mechanics static-dynamic state transition self-initiation elastic rebound dynamic catastrophe rockburst
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