

Peking University Scholars Choice of Staying or Going After the Lugouqiao Incident
摘要 1937年七七事变后,在时局尚不明朗之际,困守北平的北大同人一面与日伪周旋、苦撑残局,一面思考日后的去留问题。文学院院长胡适奉命赴美从事外交工作,临行前致信北大同人,希望他们能在沦陷下闭门著述,做出更大的学术成绩。这封信在全面抗战爆发初期引发争议,周黎庵认为留平学人闭门著述无异于挂出遗民的招牌,变相承认敌伪的统治,在沦陷下不为逆民、便为顺民,不存在隐逸的空间。留平学人自身对闭门著述的生存策略亦不无焦虑,当沦陷已成定局后,纷纷选择离平南下。最终留平的北大教授如周作人等则面临更严峻的道德考验。 After the Lugouqiao Incident in 1937,when the situation was still unclear,the staff of Peking University who were trapped in Beiping were struggling with the Japanese puppet regime to survive the aftermath and pondering the issue of whether to stay or leave in the future.Hu Shi,the Dean of the School of Literature,was ordered to work in diplomacy in the United States.Before leaving,he wrote a letter to his colleagues at Peking University,hoping that they could write in private and make greater academic achievements under the occupation.This letter sparked controversy in the early stages of the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in full-scale manner.Zhou Li an believed that the scholars with staying decision who wrote in closed doors were nothing more than hanging out the signs of the surviving people,indirectly acknowledging the rule of the enemy and the puppet regime.Under the occupation,they were either rebellious or obedient,and there was no room for seclusion.The scholars with staying decision were also anxious about the survival strategy of writing in seclusion.When the occupation became a foregone conclusion,they all chose to leave Beiping and went south.Professors from Peking University,such as Zhou Zuoren,who ultimately stayed in Beiping,faced with a more severe moral test.
作者 袁一丹 YUAN Yidan(Department of Chinese Language and Literature;Institute of Modern China Studies,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期37-44,共8页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 司法部法治建设与法学理论研究部级科研项目“人工智能时代自动驾驶汽车涉及的刑法问题研究”(21SFB4036)的研究成果。
关键词 抗日战争 七七事变 北大学人 胡适 郑天挺 周作人 China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression the Lugouqiao Incident Peking University scholars Hu Shi Zheng Tianting Zhou Zuoren
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