

Historical Evolution and Key Information Research on Pediatric Famous Classical Formula Yigongsan
摘要 异功散出自北宋·钱乙《小儿药证直诀》,为国家中医药管理局2022年9月发布的《古代经典名方目录(第二批儿科部分)》中的第3号方,可开发为3.1类中药新药。该研究通过查阅古代医籍和现代文献,从异功散的历史沿革、药味基原和炮制、剂量折算、制法用法、功能应用5个方面进行考证,形成该处方的关键信息表,以期为异功散基准样品研制和制剂开发提供参考。依据研究结果,建议异功散药材基原和炮制选用人参Panax ginseng去芦,茯苓Poria cocos去皮,甘草应为乌拉尔甘草Glycyrrhiza uralensis,陈皮Citrus reticulata切丝。剂量折算分别按4.13 g/钱、生姜1 g/片、大枣3 g/个、体积300 mL/盏折算,每服处方药味中人参、茯苓、白术、甘草、陈皮各1.652 g,生姜5 g、大枣6 g,总量为19.26 g;煎煮方法为药味粉碎成50~80目细末,每服加水300 mL,煎至210 mL,去滓食前温服。该方古籍记载主治脾胃虚寒气滞之小儿吐泻不思饮食,经后世医家临证灵活应用,常用于治疗小儿厌食症、消化道炎症、腹泻等疾病。 Yigongsan is derived from Xiaoer Yaozheng Zhijue written by QIAN Yi in the Northern Song dynasty,which is the No.3 formula in the Catalogue of Ancient Famous Classical Formulas(The Second Batch of Pediatrics) released by the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) in September 2022,and it can be developed as a class 3.1 new TCM drug.By referring to ancient medical books and modern literature,this study conducted herbal textual research on Yigongsan from five aspects,including historical evolution,origin and processing,dosage conversion,usage and preparation methods,and functional application,then formed the key information table of this formula,in order to provide reference for the development of reference samples and preparations of Yigongsan.Based on the results of the study,it is recommended that Panax ginseng should be removed the basal part of stem(rhizoma),Poria cocos should be removed the peel,Citrus reticulata should be cut into shreds and Glycyrrhiza uralensis should be used.According to 4.13 g/Qian( 钱 ),1 g/slice for ginger,3 g for each jujube and 300 mL/Zhan( 盏 ),the doses of Ginseng Radix,Poria,Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens,Jujubae Fructus were 1.652,1.652,1.652,1.652,1.652,5,6 g,and the total amount was 19.26 g.The decocting method was to crush the medicinal materials into fine powder with 50-80 mesh,add 300 mL of water and decoct to 210 mL for each dose,then remove the dregs and take it warmly.This formula was recorded in ancient books as the main treatment for the cold-deficiency of spleen and stomach,and Qi stagnation in children with vomiting and diarrhea and lack of appetite.It has been flexibly applied by later generations of physicians,and is often used to treat anorexia,inflammation of the digestive tract,diarrhea and other diseases in children.
作者 苏江敏 章军 郭丛 赵桉熠 姜亮 张恒 邸继鹏 陈莎 刘丽 刘艳 刘安 SU Jiangmin;ZHANG Jun;GUO Cong;ZHAO Anyi;JIANG Liang;ZHANG Heng;DI Jipeng;CHEN Sha;LIU Li;LIU Yan;LIU An(Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Shandong Xianhe Pharmacy Co.Ltd.,Dongying 257231,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第7期205-214,共10页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项(ZXKT23010) 国家自然科学基金项目(82374179)。
关键词 经典名方 处方考证 异功散 四君子汤 历史沿革 中药煮散 儿科疾病 famous classical formulas textual research on prescription Yigongsan Si Junzitang historical evolution decocted powders of traditional Chinese medicine pediatric diseases
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