

Application of Electronic Information Technology in the Prevention and Treatment of Equine Diseases
摘要 电子信息技术在动物疾病远程诊断、动物标识和追溯、智能化养殖、动物行为监测等方面发挥着重要作用,有助于提高兽医工作的效率和质量,推动兽医事业的发展。论文综述了电子信息技术在马属动物疾病防治中的应用。(1)兽医信息系统:通过建立兽医信息系统,收集、整理和分析马属动物的疾病信息,为兽医提供科学的决策依据。(2)远程诊断:养殖户可以将马属动物的病历、症状等信息上传至远程诊断平台,兽医可以根据这些信息进行诊断,并开具处方。(3)数据分析与挖掘:对大量的马属动物疾病数据进行分析,发现疾病的规律和趋势,为疾病防治提供科学依据。(4)智能监测:利用传感器、物联网等技术,实时监测马属动物的生长发育、生理指标等数据,对疾病的早期发现和预防提供支持。(5)疾病预测与预警:通过分析历史疾病数据、环境因素等,利用机器学习、人工智能等技术,对马属动物疾病的发生进行预测和预警,为疾病防治提供参考。(6)疫苗接种管理:通过射频识别(RFID)技术,对马属动物进行身份识别和疫苗接种记录管理。(7)养殖环境监测:通过传感器、物联网等技术,实时监测养殖环境的温度、湿度、空气质量等指标,减少疾病的发生。总之,应用电子信息技术可以提高马属动物疾病诊断和治疗的准确性、效率和便捷性,降低疫病传播风险,为马属动物的健康和养殖业的可持续发展提供支持。 Electronic information technology plays an important role in the remote diagnosis of animal diseases,animal identification and traceability,intelligent breeding,animal behavior monitoring,etc,which helps to improve the efficiency and quality of veterinary work and promote the development of veterinary undertakings.This paper summarizes the application of electronic information technology in the prevention and treatment of equine diseases:(1)Veterinary information system:Through the establishment of veterinary information system,the collection,collation and analysis of equine disease information can provide scientific basis for veterinarians to make decisions.(2)Remote diagnosis:Farmers can upload equine medical records,symptoms and other information to the remote diagnosis platform,and veterinarians can diagnose and prescribe according to this information.(3)Data analysis and mining:Analyze a large number of equine disease data to find the law and trend of the disease,and provide scientific basis for disease prevention and control.(4)Intelligent monitoring:The use of sensors,Internet of Things and other technologies,real-time monitoring of equine growth and development,physiological indicators and other data,to provide support for early detection and prevention of diseases.(5)Disease prediction and early warning:By analyzing historical disease data and environmental factors,machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies are used to predict and early warn the occurrence of equine diseases,providing references for disease prevention and control.(6)Vaccination management:Identification and vaccination record management of equine animals through radio frequency identification(RFID)technology.(7)Farming environment monitoring:Through sensors,Internet of Things and other technologies,real-time monitoring of the temperature,humidity,air quality and other indicators of the farming environment to reduce the occurrence of diseases.In conclusion,the application of electronic information technology can improve the accuracy,efficiency and convenience of equine disease diagnosis and treatment,reduce the risk of disease transmission,and provide support for the health of equine animals and the sustainable development of breeding industry.
作者 张蕾 刘俊平 ZHANG Lei;LIU Jun-ping(College of Veterinary Medicine,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010018,China)
出处 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2024年第4期116-120,共5页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 电子信息技术 兽医信息系统 远程诊断 疾病预测与预警 马属动物 electronic information technology veterinary information system remote diagnosis disease prediction and early warning equine
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