

Modeling and Simulation of Power Electronic Components in Electromechanical Management Interface Circuit
摘要 以试验验证为主的传统航空机电管理系统开发耗时长、成本高,为优化系统正向设计,实现仿真代替C型件(初型件)试验的目标,展开接口电路系统电力电子器件的Saber建模仿真。这里研究基于数理关系建模和基于等效电路建模两种方法,将两种建模方法所得模型、手册数据和行为描述模型进行仿真对比,得出基于等效电路建模具有较高的仿真精度;基于物理机理与数学关系建模具有较快的仿真速度,适用于国产元器件数据少,无法进行大量试验的情况。通过单线圈脉宽调制(PWM)驱动电路,进行了电路级的试验分析与仿真验证,其中MOSFET由导通至关断过程高频振荡周期相对误差为1.8%,振荡峰值相对误差为5.9%,稳态电流平均值相对误差为0.2%,验证了所提电力电子器件模型及其组成的接口电路模型仿真的准确性。 The test-based traditional aeronautic electromechanical management system development is time-consuming and costly.To optimize the forward design of electromechanical management system and realize the replacement of Ctype components(initial type components),a power electronic component model of electromechanical management interface circuit system is established.Modeling methods of mathematical physics and equivalent circuit are compared,and circuit level tests and simulation verification are carried out in single coil pulse width modulation(PWM)drive circuit.Simulation of two modeling methods shows that the equivalent-circuit-based model has higher precision,and the mathematical-physics-based model has faster simulation speed.The mathematical physics modeling method is suitable for domestic components with less data and tests.The relative error of high frequency oscillation period,peak oscillation and average steady-state current is 1.8%,5.9%and 0.2%,respectively,in MOSFET's turn-off process.This suggests that the high accuracy of power electronic component model and interface circuit model.
作者 王鹤 陈儒盎 王鹏 刘亮 WANG He;CHEN Ru-ang;WANG Peng;LIU Liang(Shenyang Aircraft Research Institute,Shenyang 110035,China;不详)
出处 《电力电子技术》 2024年第1期44-48,共5页 Power Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51977002)。
关键词 航空机电管理 等效电路 单线圈脉宽调制 aeronautic electromechanical management equivalent circuit single coil pulse width modulation
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