

Children’s dietary patterns and dietary networks in five regions in China
摘要 目的了解中国儿童主要膳食模式及膳食网络,探寻不同地区饮食差异。方法利用1997—2011年“中国健康与营养调查”数据,以5824名3~17岁儿童(女童47.1%)为研究对象。地区为北部沿海综合经济区(北部沿海)、东北、华中、东部沿海综合经济区(东部沿海)、大西南综合经济区(大西南)5个地区。采用连续3天24小时膳食回顾法获得膳食资料,采用称重法进行食用油和调味品收集。通过因子分析建立膳食模式,使用秩和检验分析5个地区每种膳食模式得分差异,并利用SNK法进行两两比较;通过计算食物组间互信息(可检测非线性关联方法)构建各地区儿童膳食网络图。结果因子分析(KMO检验值为0.60,Bartlett’s球形检验P<0.01)得到5种膳食模式,累计方差贡献率为42%:模式一以小麦和其他谷物为主,并摄入较少稻米、肉类和水产类;模式二以水果、肉类、乳类、蛋类、中式小吃和速食为主;模式三以薯类、零食、糕点、饮料和速食为主;模式四以稻米、薯类、蔬菜为主;模式五以豆类、坚果、水产类为主。模式一、模式二和模式三得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),模式一得分较高为东北、华中和北部沿海地区,模式二得分较高为北部沿海和东部沿海地区,模式三东北地区得分高于华中和大西南地区,北部沿海和东部沿海地区在两两比较中与其他地区差异无统计学意义,模式四和模式五各地区得分差异无统计学意义。在膳食网络图中,北部沿海、华中和大西南地区的儿童表现出1个具有较大规模的主要食物网络,呈现较高的食物选择集中度。东北地区儿童展现出2个相对分散的食物网络,而东部沿海地区儿童则呈现出4个分散的食物网络,揭示了其膳食模式更为多元化。五地区膳食网络的中心节点均含有蔬菜或谷类食物,体现了中国传统膳食模式的特征。结论中国五地区儿童的膳食模式和膳食网络呈现地区差异。 OBJECTIVE To analyze the dietary patterns and dietary networks ofchildren in China,explore regional differences in dietary habits in each region.METHODS The subjects of the study were children aged 3-17(n=5824)in NorthCoast Economic Zone,Northeast,Central China,East Coast Economic Zone andSouthwest Economic Zone who participated in the China Health and Nutrition Survey.Thedietary pattern was obtained by factor analysis.Using mutual information,a measure todetect both linear and non-linear correlations between food groups constructed the dietarynetworks.RESULTS Factor analysis resulted in five dietary patterns.Pattern 1 wasrelated to high intakes of wheat and other cereals,pattern 2 was related to high intakes offruits,milk,eggs and fast foods,pattern 3 was associated with high intakes of tubers,snacks,cakes,beverages and fast foods.The Northeast,Central China and North CoastEconomic Zone regions had higher pattern 1 score.Pattern 2 scored higher for North CoastEconomic Zone and East Coast Economic Zone regions.Pattern 3 scores in the Northeastregion were higher than North Coast Economic Zone and East Coast Economic Zoneregions.North Coast Economic Zone,Central China and Southwest Economic Zone regionshad focused networks.The network of Northeast and East Coast Economic Zone regionswere multiple.All regions were characterized by vegetables,or cereals as the hub.CONCLUSION The dietary patterns and networks of children in the five regions ofChina exhibit regional differences.
作者 陈梦雪 赵莉 熊静远 张倩 成果 丁钢强 Chen Mengxue;Zhao Li;Xiong Jingyuan;Zhang Qian;Cheng Guo;Ding Gangqiang(Key Laboratory of Birth Defects and Related Diseases of Women and Children,West China Institute ofWomen and Children’s Health,Maternal&Child Nutrition Center,West China Second University Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China;West China School of Public Health and West China FourthHospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China;National Institute for Nutrition and Health,ChineseCenter for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 100050,China)
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期195-201,208,共8页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家重点研发计划(No.2020YFC2006300,2020YFC2006303)。
关键词 儿童 膳食模式 膳食网络 children dietary patterns dietary networks
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