

An Anthropological Interpretation of the Evolution of Mongolian Agricultural Customs in Eastern Inner Mongolia——A Case Study on Gerichaolu Village in Jarud Banner,Tongliao City
摘要 在内蒙古东部地区,蒙古族长期与汉族等兄弟民族交往交流交融,在农业生产和生活过程中创造并且传承了具有民族文化特色的农业习俗。这些习俗不仅是文化的象征,而且具有重要的意义。蒙古族的传统农业习俗体现了蒙古族民众对大自然的敬畏和保护以及与大自然和谐共生的文化内涵和生存智慧。随着科技的进步和生产方式的改变,作为群体记忆的传统农业习俗也逐渐发生变化甚至被人们遗忘。位于内蒙古东部地区的内蒙古自治区通辽市扎鲁特旗格日朝鲁苏木格日朝鲁嘎查是通辽市唯一一处延续传统游牧文化,保留千年“走‘敖特尔’”(“放牧转场”)文化的地区。中华人民共和国成立以来,在这片土地上繁衍生息的各族人民为了生计而边游牧边开垦种地,留下了丰富的农牧业习俗。改革开放以来,随着农业机械化的不断深入,这里的传统农业习俗也在发生变迁乃至逐渐消失。民族学和人类学的田野调查和分析发现,这些习俗的变迁过程从一个侧面反映了人们为了适应和改造环境而创造和传承的生产技术、生计方式、思维模式,在社会文化变迁过程中不断发生变化。 In the eastern region of Inner Mongolia,the Mongolian ethnic group has long engaged in exchanges and interactions with brotherly ethnic groups such as the Han Chinese,creating and inheriting agricultural customs with distinctive cultural characteristics during the process of agricultural production and daily life.These customs not only serve as symbols of culture but also hold significant symbolic importance.The traditional agricultural customs of the Mongolian ethnic group reflect their reverence for and protection of nature,as well as their cultural connotations and wisdom for harmonious coexistence with nature.With the advancement of technology and changes in production methods,traditional agricultural customs,as a collective memory,have gradually changed and even been forgotten.Gerichaolu village in Jarud banner,Tongliao City,Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,located in the eastern region of Inner Mongolia,is the only area in Tongliao City that has preserved traditional nomadic culture and the millennia-old“Zou Ao Te’er”(pastoral migration)culture.Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China,various ethnic groups living and multiplying on this land have engaged in nomadic pastoralism and farming for livelihoods,leaving behind rich agricultural and pastoral customs.Since the reform and opening-up,with the continuous deepening of agricultural mechanization,the traditional agricultural customs here have also undergone changes and even gradually disappeared.Field surveys and analyses by ethnologists and anthropologists have found that the process of change in these customs reflects,to some extent,the production techniques,livelihood modes,and modes of thinking created and inherited by people to adapt to and transform the environment,which have continuously changed in the process of social and cultural transformation.
作者 财吉拉胡 王白音那 Caijilahu;WANG Baiyinna(Mongolian Medical College,Inner Mongolia Minzu University,Tongliao 028043,China;Mongolian Studies College,Inner Mongolia Minzu University,Tongliao 028043,China)
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第2期56-66,共11页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences
关键词 格日朝鲁嘎查 农业习俗 文化变迁 人类学阐释 Gerichaolu village agricultural customs cultural evolution anthropological interpretation
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