

The Evolution of"Customs"in Local Records under the Concept of"Yi Xia"(夷夏)in Ming Dynasty——centering on Guizhou gazetteers
摘要 本文以明代贵州地方志中的风俗书写为中心,考察了有关苗人“风俗”文本的特点,分析了其历史背景与编修者的华夷观念。明初贵州建省之后,省志、府州县志编纂工作随之开始。在明代不同时期的官修贵州地方志中,苗人风俗的书写极其相似,而这主要表现在对苗人的“非人化”“非礼制”的描写,以及强调王朝直接统治之后、渐知仁义的教化效果。这种统一化的话语体系背后蕴含着很多原因,首先与当时任职贵州这一偏僻之地的官员以及方志编修者所持的华夷观念紧密相关,其次编修者缺乏实地考察,故而承袭前志记载。同时也与地方志“风俗篇”具有的教化功能有关。但统一化的描写之外也有意外出现,明代贵州巡抚郭子章的个人境遇使其私修的《黔记》呈现出非常野蛮、落后的苗人形象。而除传统志书之外,明清的士人也构筑了另一个更加自由的空间,苗俗的真实情况在这些空间里面若隐若现。 This paper focuses on the writing of customs in Guizhou gazetteers during the Ming Dynasty, discusses the characteristics of Miao customs, their causes, and historical and conceptual backgrounds. After the establishment of Guizhou as a province in the early Ming Dynasty, the compilation of provincial and prefectural records began. After the establishment of Guizhou as a province in the early Ming Dynasty, the compilation of provincial and prefectural records began. In the official Guizhou gazetteers of different periods of the Ming Dynasty, the writing of Miao customs is extremely similar, which is mainly manifested in the depiction of the "dehumanization" and "non-ritualization" of the Miao people, as well as in the emphasis on the indoctrination effect of gradual knowledge of benevolence and righteousness after the direct rule of the dynasty. Behind this unified discourse system implies a lot of reasons, first of all, it's related to the officials' concept which make a distinction between Han(汉) and Yi(夷), secondly, Lack of field research, and therefore inherited from the previous records. At the same time, also with the gazetteers' "customs " chapter has the function of indoctrination. But there is also an exception, Guo Zizhang's(郭子章), the Grand Coordinator of Guizhou Province(贵州巡抚)in Ming Dynasty, his personal situation makes his private gazetteer "Qianji"(黔记) present a very barbaric, backward image of the Miao people. In addition to the traditional gazetteers, the scholars of the Ming and Qing dynasties also constructed another, freer space in which the reality of Miao customs loomed large.
作者 杨洁钫 YANG Jiefang
出处 《原生态民族文化学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期104-115,155,156,共14页 Journal of Ethnic Culture
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目 清华大学文科振兴基金研究专项“明清时代的契约与契约社会研究”(22AZS011、2021THZW)。
关键词 明代 贵州方志 苗人 风俗书写 Ming Dynasty Guizhou gazetteers Miao The writing of customs
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