

Curriculum Refresh in New Zealand:Background,Content and Characteristics
摘要 2018年,新西兰启动21世纪第二轮基础教育课程改革,自2023年初开始分批次实施新课程。本次课程改革是基于核心素养的《新西兰课程》实施十年后,在政府倡导高质量、全纳的公共教育体系背景下展开。新课程延续了“学习者中心”的课程价值取向,强调包容性和个性化学习;将毛利知识作为独立的知识体系全面融入各学习领域,强调双文化整合与身份认同,表现出明显的“本土化”趋势;重构“理解、知道、做”的内容模型和基于学习进阶的学业表现,强化学习领域与课程愿景、核心素养之间的关系,强调通过学科实践和社会情感学习促进核心素养的落实,表现出从“灵活”走向“明确”的趋势和学科实践取向。 In 2018,New Zealand began to refresh The New Zealand Curriculum which is the second round of curriculum reform in the 2lst century and the new curriculum will be implemented in batches since the beginning of 2023.The curriculum refresh was launched ten years after the implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum based on key competencies,under the background of the government's advocacy of high-quality and inclusive public education system.The new curriculum continues the value orientation of"Learner Center",emphasizing inclusive and personalized learning;integrates Maori knowledge as an independent knowledge system into all learning areas of the national curriculum,emphasizing bicultural integration and identity recognition,showing an obvious trend of localization;reconstructs"understand-know-do"content model for every learning area and academic performance,strengthens the relationship between the learning area and the curriculum vision and key competencies,emphasizes the implementation of key competencies through practice and social emotional learning,showing the trend of clarity and focusing on subject practice.
作者 王俊民 袁瑀 WANG Junmin;YUAN Yu(Shool of Primary Education,Chongqing Normal University,Chongqing 400700;Division of Education,The University of Waikato,New Zealand Hamilton 3240)
出处 《比较教育研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期43-51,共9页 International and Comparative Education
基金 重庆市2023年度社会科学规划课题“建设健康中国背景下重庆中小学生社会情感能力监测研究”(项目编号:2023NDYB146)。
关键词 新西兰 基础教育 课程改革 核心素养 双文化课程 New Zealand basic education curriculum refresh key competencies bicultural curriculum
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