
加州大学伯克利分校核工程专业本科创新人才培养研究 被引量:1

Research on the Cultivation of Undergraduate Innovative Talents in Nuclear Engineering at University of California,Berkeley
摘要 我国提出在21世纪中叶实现“碳达峰”“碳中和”,在实现此节能降碳发展目标的进程中,核能及核技术越来越受到关注,是发展清洁能源的重要方向。该文针对我国核工程类人才培养方案的现状和在新时代对核专业人才的新需求,深入梳理分析加州大学伯克利分校核工程专业的人才培养理念、专业设置与课程体系、科研创新实践活动等做法。该校强调学生学习体验,培养一大批具有全局观念、创新思维的专业人才,对进一步优化适合我国国情的核工程类人才培养方案有借鉴意义。 Our country proposes to achieve"carbon peak","carbon neutrality"in the middle of 21st century,and in the process of realizing this development goal of energy saving and carbon reduction,nuclear energy and nuclear technology have attracted more attentions,and are the important direction of the development of clean energy.Aiming at the current situation of nuclear engineering talent training program in China and the new demands for nuclear professionals in the new era,this work deeply analyzed the education mission,major and curriculum system setting,scientific research and innovation practice activities of The nuclear engineering major in UC Berkeley.This major emphasizes students'learning experience and cultivates a large number of professionals with global concepts and innovative thinking,it is helpful for further optimizing the nuclear engineering personnel training program suitable for our country.
作者 邱玺玉 邵剑雄 杨爱香 朱定军 尹永智 陈熙萌 QIU Xiyu;SHAO Jianxiong;YANG Aixiang
机构地区 兰州大学
出处 《高教学刊》 2024年第11期8-13,共6页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 科技部重点研发计划“电荷交换反应产生超核的可行性研究”(2022YFE0103900) 兰州大学2022年度教育教学改革研究重点项目“基于产教融合的热学课程教学质量提升研究”(202217)。
关键词 核工程专业 本科 人才培养 课程设置 学习体验 Nuclear Engineering major undergraduate education personnel training curriculum system academic experience
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