

History of Institution Polital Parties’Charter and Regulation:Concepts,Categories,Frameworks and Essence-An Analysis of Political Parties in Latin Amerian Countries
摘要 政党法规指阐释政党及关于政党的组建、组织和财务、职责和权限、权利和义务、结构和组织原则规范的法律规章。根据不同标准,可以将政党法规划分为不同类型。不同类型的政党法规在规制政党的内容、角度、范围、手段等方面存在差异。政党法规的内容涵盖广泛,对涉及政党特别是政党运作问题的方方面面进行了规定。拉美主要国家的政党法规建设取得了瞩目成就,政党的司法生活的所有主要方面都得到了政党法规的规制,形成了不同于盎格鲁-撒克逊模式的模式,具有他山之石的价值。 Political parties’charters and regulations are settings about the establishment,organization,financial issue,jurisdiction,rights,obligation,inner-structure and dynamic principles of political parties.Parties of different categories have obvious distinctions in contents,angles,scales,as well as approaches of their regulations.These regulations cover wide scope,especially focusing on daily running issues of political parties.Political parties in Latin American countries have made great achievements in the making of regulation,especially management of political parties’legal activities,which are totally different from Anglo-Saxonian model.
作者 靳呈伟 Jin Chengwei
出处 《中共历史与理论研究》 2023年第1期28-59,M0004,共33页 The Studies on The CCP History and Theory
基金 国家社科基金项目“国外共产党党内法规建设与政党治理法治化研究”(项目号:18BKS106)之成果。
关键词 政党法规 拉美政党 法规体系 Politial Parties’Charter and Regulation Latin American Countries’Politial Parties Regulation System
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