摘要学习化评价(Assessment as Learning)作为过程性评价的补充与发展,自2003年诞生以来,为课堂教学带来了专属评价视角。AaL理念的课堂评价呈现生成和真实的表征,它基于学生与教师对评价的理解,从评价任务作为学习任务、学生参与、反馈作为前馈三个要素出发,构建学评一体,促进学生学会学习的课堂评价新体系。
3Scottish Executive. a curriculum for excellence: The Curriculum Review Group[R]. Edinburgh, 2004:12.
4Condie, R., Livingston, K., Seagraves, L.. Evaluation of the Assessment is for Lemming Programme, Scottish: Final Report of The Quality in Education Centre[ R]. The Quality in Education Centre, University of Strathclyde, 2005 : 147,1, IV, 16.
5Black, P., Willam, D.. Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards through Classroom Assessment [ R ]. London: King' s College London, School of Education, 1998:2.
6Assessment Reform Group. A.ssessment for Learning: 10 principles [R]. University of Cambridge, UK: Assessment Reform Group, 2002..2 3.
7Scottish Executive. Circular No. 2, June 2005, Assessment and Reporting. 3 - 14[R]. Edinburgh, 2005 : 1 - 10,2.
8Rita Berry. Assessment for Learning[M]. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008 : 9 - 11.