The rural revitalization strategy must align with and be subservient to China’s overarching goal of modernization.At present,China is undergoing rapid urbanization and modernization,leading to cities of⁃fering far greater market opportunities than those available in rural areas.Consequently,an increasing number of farmers are migrating to urban centers in search of employment and profit prospects.The city has witnessed a significant number of rural migrant workers who have successfully secured stable employ⁃ment and established themselves.They constitute the advantaged group among farmers.However,there re⁃main vulnerable migrant workers who encounter challenges in urban settlement and may require retreating to the countryside.This segment of rural vulnerable migrant workers and the left-behind farmers,who lack the opportunity and capabilities to migrate to urban areas,constitute vulnerable groups among the farmers.These individuals require agricultural employment and profit opportunities,as well as the safeguarding provided by the rural social system.To effectively tackle this issue,rural revitalization endeavors must pro⁃viding ample agricultural employment and profit opportunities for these vulnerable farmer groups.Concur⁃rently,a village-based social security system that safeguards their well-being.The equilibrium between the rural social system and urban market system,which ensures farmers’security,establishes the funda⁃mental prerequisites for achieving China’s overall modernization goal.
Social Sciences in Guangdong