In the new era,China is rapidly in line with international standards.People are gradually developing from urban areas to rural areas.With the economic development,more and more families have bought a variety of cars while satisfying their own food,clothing and accommodation.Therefore,in recent years,local government have built many large underground buildings in response to this situation,thus,the urban space is not occupied while the standardized parking planning of the cars is vigorously implemented.The key and difficult point of the basement project lies in the prevention and control of floods.During the inspection,the author found that water leakage and seepage often occur in various communities and public basements.The waterproof construction technology is a major and difficult point in basement construction,and directly determines the service life and experience of the project.Therefore,this paper will discuss how to optimize the waterproof coil construction technology and how to remedy the shedding risk caused by force majeure encountered in the construction of waterproof coils on the exterior wall.
Urbanism and Architecture
ultra-high underground buildings
waterproof construction technology
difficulties in falling off of waterproof coils on the exterior wall
technological innovation