

Cultivation Mechanism,Influencing Factors and Quality Assurance System of Research Ability of Master's Degree Students in Physical Education in Universities under Construction of“Double First-class”--Taking Harbin Engineering University as an Example
摘要 运用文献资料、专家访谈、案例分析等方法,深入探究“双一流”建设高校体育学硕士研究生科研能力培育机制、影响因素及质量保障体系。通过健全导师行为制度管理、提升科研素养,改革体育学硕士研究生课程教育、完善管理机制,培育良好学术氛围、完善科研支持体系构建科研能力培育机制。科研能力受客体素质养成与行为主体的协同配合、教育管理模式与课程教育改革、社会环境支持与学术氛围营造等因素影响。为提升体育学硕士研究生科研能力,应从坚持体育科研实践与课程思政相融合、筑牢思想阵地,激励机制与培优工程相融合、筑牢质量激励导向,强化质量监控与过程管理相融合、筑牢质量管控制度,诚信教育与五个专项工程相融合、筑牢质量诚信底线,实施四个行动计划、筑牢科研质量防线方面健全质量保障体系。 Using literature,expert interviews and case studies,we investigated the cultivation mechanism,influencing factors and quality assurance system of the research ability of master's degree students in physical education in universities under the construction of“double first-class”.The study concludes that the cultivation mechanism of scientific research ability is constructed by strengthening the management of supervisor's behavior system,improving scientific research literacy,reforming the curriculum education of master's degree students in physical education,improving the management mechanism,cultivating a good academic atmosphere and improving the scientific research support system.Scientific research ability is influenced by factors such as the cultivation of object quality and the synergistic cooperation of actors,education management mode and curriculum education reform,social environment support and academic atmosphere creation.In order to improve the scientific research ability of master's degree students in physical education,we should insist on the integration of sports research practice and curriculum ideology and politics,build a firm ideological position,the integration of incentive mechanism and excellence training project,build a firm quality incentive orientation,strengthen the integration of quality monitoring and process management,build a firm quality control system,integrate integrity education and five special projects,build a firm quality and integrity bottom line,implement four action plans to build a firm scientific research quality defense line and establish a sound quality assurance system.
作者 董宇 邹青海 Dong Yu;Zou Qinghai(Department of Physical Education,Harbin Engineering University,Harbin 150006,China)
出处 《林区教学》 2024年第4期95-99,共5页 Teaching of Forestry Region
基金 哈尔滨工程大学教学改革项目“‘双一流’建设高校体育硕士学位论文选题及质量保障体系创新研究”(JG2022Y055) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目“冰城视觉文化的可持续发展研究”(22TYB181) 黑龙江省艺术科学规划青年项目“新发展理念下龙江文化产业和冰雪体育旅游产业深度融合发展研究”(2023LC060)。
关键词 “双一流”建设 高校体育学 硕士研究生 科研能力 质量保障体系 “double first-class”construction university physical education master's degree students scientific research ability quality assurance system
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