为了提高列控等级转换系统测试效率和自动化程度,以时间自动机为基本依据,研究设计了一种中国列车运行控制系统-2级转中国列车运行控制系统-3级列控等级转换系统进行模型信息提取,并自动生成测试路径,从而生成具体的测试用例。结果表明,列车转换时间主要集中在62 s~75 s。转换时间为80 s时,转换成功概率为99.7%以上。等级转换过程,结合获得的测试路径,最终得到测试用例153条。在测试路径基础上,依据逻辑覆盖准则,得到各谓词条件的变量取值范围,结合已有测试路径,最终生成了具体测试用例。该方法的测试用例有效提高了软件开发效率,缩短开发周期,降低了出错率,提高测试自动化程度。该方法提高了列控等级转换系统测试效率和自动化程度,对列控系统等级转换场景软件开发高效性研究具有重要意义。
In order to improve the automation of test cases in the train control level conversion system,a CTCS-2 to CTCS-3 train control level conversion system was designed based on time automata to extract model information and automatically generate test paths,thereby generating specific test cases.The results indicate that the train switching time is mainly concentrated between 62s and 75s.When the conversion time is 80 seconds,the probability of successful conversion is above 99.7%.The level conversion process,combined with the obtained test path,ultimately resulted in 153 test cases.Based on the test path and logical coverage criteria,the variable value range of each predicate condition is obtained.Combined with existing test paths,specific test cases are finally generated.The test cases of this method effectively improve software development efficiency,shorten development cycles,reduce error rates,and improve testing automation.This method improves the automation level of test cases for train control level conversion systems,and is of great significance for the research on the efficiency of software development in train control level conversion scenarios.
YI Cuiying(Sichuan Railway College,Chendu 610000,China)
Automation & Instrumentation