

Interpersonal Contacts and Poetic Interaction:A Critical Study on Weng Fanggang s Editing of HuicunShichao(悔存诗钞)
摘要 翁方纲删定《悔存诗钞》八卷,是黄景仁诗的第一种专集。从删定到刊行的过程,反映出乾嘉之际诗坛的人事交错和诗学互动。翁方纲的删诗宗旨是通过严格的去取,表现黄景仁的“本怀”;删诗标准是不取放浪枯槁、酒圣诗狂之类的绮语和苦语。由此可剖析若干具体篇目的删削原因。黄诗遗集编刊作为备受关注的文学事件,体现乾嘉之际的诗坛纷争,反映翁方纲、毕沅、王昶等人在学问与性情上的不同诗学取向与观念。 The relationship between emotion and leaning was a major topic in the poetic circle during Mid-Qing Dynasty(Qian-Jia period),which has been discussed extensively.With an approach combining philology and poetics,this article takes the compilation and publication of Huang Jingren speotry as a case study,to investigate the interpersonal contacts and poetic interaction of Mid-Qing poetic circle.HuicunShichao(悔存诗钞)edited by Weng Fanggang is the first collection of Huang Jingren s poetry.Weng s purpose was to unfold Huang s innate character through strictly selecting Jingren s poetry,and his editing standard was to exclude sentimental and complaining poems.Wang s editing was a poetic practice reflecting his opinion about scholarly poetry and a specific example of the interaction between scholarly poetry and poetical poetry.The criticism of Hong Liangji and the differences in selecting poetry by Bi Yuan and Wang Chang reflected the disputes among different principles in Mid-Qing poetic circle and the divergences of WengFanggang,BiYuan,WangChang and others in terms of poetic concepts such as learning and emotion.Therefore,the issue of editing and publishing exhibited the dialogue and confrontation among different poetic principles in the Mid-Qing poetic circle.Weng Fanggang s editing is a typical case of poetic debate about emotion and learning during Mid-Qing period.This article focuses on investigating the process of compilation and publication,and the related interpersonal contacts,and specially analyzing the reasons for deleting poems,to demonstrate the disagreements and disputes of mainstream poetics.The main contribution of this article in research of Qing poetics is to establish a research path from textual criticism to poetics,combining critical study of poetry collection with discussion of poetic concepts,and exploring macroscopic mainstream poetics from the perspective of specific literary events.
作者 颜庆余 YAN Qingyu
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期32-46,共15页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“历代别集编纂及其文学观念研究”(21&ZD254)。
关键词 翁方纲 黄景仁 《悔存诗钞》 乾嘉诗坛 学问与性情 Weng Fanggang Huang Jingren HuicunShichao(悔存诗钞) poetic circle of Qian-Jia period learning and emotion
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