

The Impact of Social Network Structure on User Creative Quality in Online Knowledge Communities
摘要 个人在在线社区中与其他用户建立联系产生的社会关系是影响个人知识贡献意愿与产出能力的重要因素,但目前学界对此缺乏探究和解释。因此,为有目的地推进在线知识社区中高质量创意的产出,区分创意的客观质量和主观质量,探究在线知识社区用户的社会网络结构对两种创意质量的影响机制。以知乎平台为对象,利用931个用户数据,基于社会网络理论,分析用户的出度中心性、入度中心性、强关系3个网络结构变量对创意客观质量、创意主观质量的影响,以及用户的社区地位在其中的调节作用。结果表明:用户的出度中心性正向影响创意客观质量,入度中心性正向影响创意主观质量;用户的强关系数量正向影响创意客观质量,负向影响创意主观质量;同时,社区地位加强用户的出度中心性对创意客观质量的积极影响和用户的入度中心性对创意主观质量的积极影响,削弱用户的强关系对创意客观质量的积极影响,但加强用户的强关系对创意主观质量的消极影响。由此提出,在线知识社区管理者应有意识地支持和引导用户从出度中心性、入度中心性、强关系3个角度构建自己的网络结构,为社区持续稳定提供高质量创意。 The social relationships generated by individuals'connections with other users in online communities are an important factor affecting individuals'willingness to contribute and their ability to produce knowledge,but there is a lack of exploration and explanation in the academic community.Therefore,to purposefully advance the output of high-quality ideas in the online knowledge community,this paper distinguishes between objective and subjective quality of creativity,and explores the influence mechanism of social network structure of online community users on the two types of creative quality.With the Zhihu platform as the object,using 931 user data,based on social network theory,the influence of three network structure variables,namely,users'out-degree centrality,in-degree centrality,and strong relationship,on the objective quality of creativity and the subjective quality of creativity is explored,as well as the moderating role of users'community status in them.The results show that users'out-degree centrality positively affects the objective quality of creativity,while users'in-degree centrality positively affects the subjective quality of creativity;the number of users'strong relationships positively affects the objective quality of creativity and negatively affects the subjective quality of creativity;at the same time,community status strengthens the positive impact of users'out-degree centrality on the objective quality of creativity and the positive impact of users'in-degree centrality on the subjective quality of creativity,while it weakens the positive impact of users'strong relationships on the objective quality of creativity,but strengthens the negative impact of users'strong relationships on the subjective quality of creativity.This suggests that online community managers should consciously support and guide users to build their network structure from the three perspectives of out-degree centrality,in-degree centrality,and strong relationships,so as to provide high-quality creativity for the community in a sustained and stable manner.
作者 周密 吴书慧 郭文杰 Zhou Mi;Wu Shuhui;Guo Wenjie(School of Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 2024年第4期127-136,共10页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“基于行为与结构视角下的开放式创新知识社区在线互动对用户创意贡献成效的影响研究”(71872142)。
关键词 在线知识社区 创意质量 社会网络结构 中心性 强关系 online knowledge community creative quality social network structure centrality strong ties
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