
基于英语作业设计的校本研修实践探索——以人教版七年级下册英语Unit12 What did you do last weekend?为例

A Practical Exploration of School-based Research and Training Based on English Homework Design:Taking“Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?”in the Textbook Published by People’s Education Press for the Seventh Grade as an Example
摘要 校本研修是教师教学能力提升的研究性学习活动。在校本研修活动中,运用诊断评估性测验等方法,分析初中英语作业现状及作业设计效果不佳的原因,把作业问题提炼为校本研修活动主题。围绕主题开展:聚焦作业目标,明确研修活动任务;重视学生差异,自主设计作业示例;构建合研“共同体”,实现优质作业共享。以期提升英语作业设计质量,增强英语作业育人功能。 School-based research and training is a research-based learning activity to improve teachers’teach-ing abilities.In school-based research and training,methods such as diagnostic assessment and testing are used to analyze the current situation of junior high school English homework and the reasons for poor homework design results,and refine homework-related problems into themes for school-based research and training.It is necessary to take the following measures revoling around the themes to improve the quality of English homework design and enhance the educational function of English homework:focusing on the goals of homework and clarifying the tasks of research and training;paying attention to students’differences and independently designing homework ex-amples;building a“community”of joint research to achieve high-quality homework sharing.
作者 吴清晰 张皖东 WU Qingxi;ZHANG Wandong
出处 《科教文汇》 2024年第7期152-155,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 安徽省教育信息技术研究课题“乡村小规模学校教师信息化教学能力提升实践研究”(AH2022125)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 校本研修 作业设计 研修主题 作业示例 school-based research and training homework design themes of research and training examples of homework
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