

Discussion on the Head Officials of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties
摘要 首领官是元代中央、地方官府主要属官的统称。其制发端于金代,形成于元代。金代首领官分布于尚书省、枢密院及其派出机构行尚书省、行枢密院等官署,但这些机构的都事等吏职则不属于首领官。首领官系“首领吏员”之义,产生于官吏界限模糊、吏员地位提升的背景之下。“首领官”称谓的出现不晚于金代中期,但至金末才具有制度化趋势。金代首领官的设置大抵局限于中央机构,未及地方官府。元代首领官制度的确立以忽必烈称帝、推行汉法为背景,继承了金代首领官职位,同时受金朝吏制和大蒙古国汗廷必阇赤及地方幕僚制度之影响,都事等升为官职,都目等吏职亦同其一道称为首领官。由此,元代形成了系统的首领官制度。首领官制度对宋代以降的中央及地方僚属系统进行了全面改造,改变了传统四等官制的外在形式及内部运作形态。 The head officials were the primary subordinate officials of the central and local governments in the Yuan dynasty.Its system originated in the Jin dynasty and formed in the Yuan dynasty.The head officials of the Jin dynasty were mainly distributed in the Department of State Affairs,the Department of Chief Military and its derivative institutions,while Dushi and other staffs of these institutions were not head officials.Head officials,which means the heads of officials,arose in the context of the dilution of the boundary between officials and staffs and the promotion of the status of the latter.The title of “head officials” appeared no later than the middle of the Jin dynasty,and it didn't demonstrate the trend of institutionalization until the end of the Jin dynasty.The positions of head officials in the Jin dynasty were largely limited to the central government,and not to the local government.The establishment of the system of head officials in the Yuan dynasty was based on the proclamation of Khubilai as emperor and the implementation of the Central Plains dynasty system.It inherited the positions of head officials in the Jin dynasty and at the same time,influenced by the official system of the Jin dynasty,Bichachi in the Khanate of the Mongol Empire and the local staff system,Dushi and others were uplifted to official positions,while Dumu and other staff were called head officials as well.Thus,a systematic system of head officials was formed in the Yuan dynasty.It had fully transformed the central and local subordinate systems since the Song dynasties,and changed the external form and internal operation mode of the traditional fourth-class official system.
作者 郭晓东 Guo Xiaodong
出处 《史学月刊》 北大核心 2024年第4期30-44,共15页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 河南省哲学社会科学规划项目“生育文化与商周社会研究”(2023CLS015)。
关键词 金代 元代 首领官 属官 四等官制 Jin Dynasty Yuan Dynasty Head Officials Subordinate Officials Fourth-class Official System
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