

The Implementation of Tung Oil Dirigisme by the Nanjing National Government Before the Full-scale War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
摘要 全面抗战前,作为军事战略物资的中国特产桐油跃居出口商品首位,但中国未掌握世界桐油贸易的主导权。南京国民政府试图对桐油实施统制,使之为其经济建设服务,同时成为其在国际舞台运筹帷幄的工具。在中德易货借款谈判中,德国向中国提出了大量的桐油需求,国民政府顺势推出桐油统制。全面抗战前的中国桐油贸易形成以汉口为中心,由外商掌控,以出口美、德、英为导向的市场格局。在不彻底改变原有社会结构的情况下实施统制,意味着政府力量强行嵌入原有的市场格局,势必会触及相关各方利益。为减少阻力增强统制成效,南京国民政府在制度设计上做了诸多安排,一方面以改良之名,渐行统制之实;另一方面由实业部牵头,联合地方政府与商人,希望以官商合办的形式将华商纳入统制体系,以节约统制成本。由于湖北地方政府与汉口中外油商持消极甚至抵制态度,英美政府不断提出抗议,使得制度设计在执行过程中发生变异。强势政策遭遇弱势执行,南京国民政府权力只是有限渗入桐油市场结构中,统制成效并未完全彰显。 Prior to the outbreak of the Full-scale War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,tung oil,a unique Chinese product and valuable military resource,topped the exports list.However,China didn't hold sway over the global tung oil trade.The National Government tried to impose dirigisme on tung oil to bolster its economic development and,simultaneously,utilize it as a tool to tactically maneuver on the international stage.Amid the negotiations concerning the barter trade between China and Germany,Germany expressed a substantial demand for tung oil from China.Seizing the opportunity,the National Government promptly rolled out dirigisme over tung oil.The tung oil trade in China,prior to the Full-scale War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression,followed a market pattern that revolved around Hankou,controlled by foreign merchants and was export-oriented predominantly towards the United States,Germany,and Britain.Imposing dirigisme without drastically altering the existing social structure implies the forceful intrusion of governmental power into the prevailing market order,thereby unavoidably touching upon the interests of relevant parties.To lessen the resistance and enhance the effectiveness of dirigisme,the National Government made numerous adaptations to the system design.On one hand,it embarked on a gradual process of imposing dirigisme under the guise of reformation.On the other hand,spearheaded by the Ministry of Industry,it collaborated with local governments and merchants,aiming to incorporate local businessmen into the dirigiste system via a public-private partnership in hopes of conserving dirigisme overheads.While the local government in Hubei and oil merchants showed ambiguous and at times obstructive attitudes,the British and American governments continuously lodged protests,which consequently led to discrepancies within the system design during the implementation phase.Robust policies met weak execution,which shows that the power of the National Government merely seeped into the tung oil market structure to a restricted extent,and the effectiveness of dirigisme was not fully demonstrated.
作者 李中庆 Li Zhongqing
出处 《史学月刊》 北大核心 2024年第3期47-61,共15页 Journal of Historical Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“抗战时期国民政府桐油统制政策与执行能力研究”(19CZS054)。
关键词 全面抗战前 桐油 南京国民政府 出口贸易统制 中国植物油料厂 Before the Outbreak of the Full-scale War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Tung oil the Nanjing National Government Export Trade Dirigisme China Vegetable Oil Corporation
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