

Research on Remanufacturing Mode Decision Based on Design for Waste Product's Classified Collection
摘要 为探究废旧产品分类回收设计对原始制造商主动参与再制造业务的影响,构建原始制造商与再制造商在三种再制造模式下的博弈模型。研究认为:(1)分类回收设计节省成本一定程度后,原始制造商和再制造商才会开展再制造业务;(2)原始制造商开展回收设计会加剧再制造产品与新产品的竞争,降低再制造产品的生产成本,增加收益;(3)原始制造商自主再制造模式下,回收率最高,销量及利润最大;(4)原始制造商采取知识产权保护,将再制造业务外包或授权给再制造商,在满足一定边界条件下,倾向于选择外包再制造模式进行合作。 To compare and analyze the impact of design for waste product classification and collection on the three remanufacturing modes,this paper establishes a game model between a manufacturer and a remanufacturer.Through the comparative analysis of the effects of classified collection design on the equilibrium solutions of the three remanufacturing modes,the main conclusions are drawn as follows:(1)The manufacturer and remanufacturer will be willing to implement remanufacturing business only when the classified collection design saves remanufacturing costs to a certain extent;(2)The classified collection design of waste products conducted by the manufacturer will intensify the competition between new products and remanufactured products,and also effectively reduce the production cost of remanufactured products as well as increase the remanufacturing income;(3)In the manufacturer's independent remanufacturing mode,the collection rate of waste products is the largest,resulting in the largest sales volume and profit;(4)When the manufacturer outsources or authorizes the remanufacturing business to the remanufacturer based on intellectual property protection,and certain boundary conditions are met,both manufacturer and remanufacturer are more inclined to cooperate in the outsourcing remanufacturing mode.
作者 胡厚宝 刘军军 Hu Houbao;Liu Junjun(School of Economics&Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 20092,China;Chengshan Group Co.,LTD,Weihai 264300,China;School of Business Administration,Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 2024年第3期183-194,共12页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新形势下进一步完善国家科技治理体系研究”(21ZDA018) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目“‘双碳’目标下高耗能企业与供应商的碳减排合作模式与协调机制研究”(22XJC63002)。
关键词 再制造模式 分类回收设计 博弈 remanufacturing mode classified collection design game
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