
基于望目辨证理论和白睛成像AI技术探讨高胆固醇血症的目络特征及发病机制相关性研究 被引量:2

Analysis on Eye Collaterals of Hypercholesterolemia and The Correlation of Pathogenesis Based on Theory of Syndrome Differentiation According to Inspection of Eyes and White of The Eye Imaging AI Technology
摘要 目的基于望目辨证理论和白睛成像AI技术分析高胆固醇血症的目络特征及发病机制的关联性研究。方法纳入甘肃中医药大学附属医院门诊及住院部接受检查的受试者100例,其中高胆固醇血症(TC)组58例,胆固醇水平正常(NC)组42例。两组均接受研究人员使用“MyEyeD-10白睛无影成像健康智能分析系统”[又称目诊仪(械注准20182160164)]进行对白睛眼象特征的高清采集、特征提取和综合分析,进行数据统计TC组和NC组的中医证型、目络特征形态、目络血脉颜色、目络病变分布区域。结果TC组的中医证型是痰浊内阻(46.55%,27/58)显著高于NC组(23.81%,10/42)(P<0.05);TC组的主要目络形态特征“斑”特征分值(4.24±2.63)显著高于NC组(2.92±1.43)(P<0.05);TC组的“血脉”特征分值(12.88±7.33)显著高于NC组(6.54±3.92)(P<0.05);TC组目络血脉颜色“黯红色”,特征分值(11.21±5.46)显著高于NC组(7.29±7.13)(P<0.05);TC组目络区域特征为“A”区(黑睛下方,对应脏腑区域“脾与胃”),特征分值(12.14±6.87)显著高于NC组(6.86±4.93)(P<0.05)。结论高胆固醇血症引起目络疾病的机制是可能与机体伤于脾胃,脾失运化,久则痰湿浊瘀内生,浮现于目络而出现“斑”“血脉黯红”相关病变有关联,为中医望目辨证的客观化、精准化提供参考依据。 Objective Based on the theory of syndrome differentiation according to inspection of eyes and AI technique of white of the eye imaging to analyze the visual characteristics and pathogenesis of hypercholesterolemia.Methods A total of 100 subjects were enrolled in the out patient and in patient department of the Affiliated Hospital of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,including 58 in the hypercholesterolemia(TC)group and 42 in the normal cholesterol(NC)group.Both groups were subjected to high-resolution acquisition,feature extraction and comprehensive analysis of white eye image features by the“MyEyeD-10 White of The Eye No Shadow Imaging Health Intelligent Analysis System”[also known as ophthalmoscope(mechanical note 20182160164)].The types of TCM syndromes,features and morphology of eye collaterals,blood color of eye collaterals and distribution area of eye collaterals lesions in TC group and NC group were analyzed.Results The TCM syndrome type of TC group was phlegm-turbidity internal obstruction(46.55%,27/58),which was significantly higher than that of NC group(23.81%,10/42)(P<0.05).The score of“spot”characteristic of main visual collaterals in TC group[(4.24±2.63)points]was significantly higher than that in NC group[(2.92±1.43)points](P<0.05).The blood vessel score of TC group[(12.88±7.33)points]was significantly higher than that of NC group[(6.54±3.92)points](P<0.05).The blood vessel color in TC group was dark red,and the characteristic score[(11.21±5.46)points]was significantly higher than that in NC group[(7.29±7.13)points](P<0.05).The feature of TC group was“A”area(below the black of the eye,corresponding to“spleen and stomach”),and the feature score of TC group[(12.14±6.87)points]was significantly higher than that of NC group[(6.86±4.93)points](P<0.05).Conclusion The mechanism of hypercholesterolemia causing ocular collateral diseases may be related to injury to spleen and stomach,spleen failing to transform,internal phlegm-dampness and turbidity-blood stasis for a long time,emergence of“spots”and“dark red blood vessels”in the ocular collateral diseases.
作者 和芳娟 杨文媛 于小刚 苏华 高亮丽 汪国荣 张旻 赵信科 卢玉俊 HE Fangjuan;YANG Wenyuan;YU Xiaogang;SU Hua;GAO Liangli;WANG Guorong;ZHANG Min;ZHAO XinKe;LU Yujun(Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China;Affiliated Hospital of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China)
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期19-22,I0007,共5页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC704200) 中医药循证能力建设项目(国家中医药管理局:2019xzzx-GK005) 甘肃省教育厅高校教师创新基金项目与研究生“创新之星”项目(甘教技函〔2022〕34号,2023CXZX-751)。
关键词 高胆固醇血症 望目辨证 目络特征 发病机制 数字现代化 hypercholesterolemia syndrome differentiation according to inspection of eyes feature of ocular collateral pathogenesis modernization of digital
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