

Background,scientific connotation,and implementation pathways of Global Security Initiative
摘要 全球安全倡议是人类命运共同体理念在安全领域的具体体现,是中国为应对全球安全形势变化、促进世界和平稳定贡献的中国方案。当前,国际力量对比发生明显变化,大国之间信任严重缺失,各种安全问题层出不穷,而现有全球安全治理机制存在不同程度的短板。为此,国际社会亟需新理念、新方法、新路径来引领全球安全治理,切实解决威胁人类生存和发展的各种安全难题。全球安全倡议以“六个坚持”为核心要义,兼具理念指导性与实践操作性,系统回答了在新形势下实现世界和平应秉持的指导理念、基本前提、根本遵循、重要原则等问题。这一重大倡议充分汲取中华优秀传统文化精髓,继承和发扬中国外交优良传统,体现了中国对世界发展大势的深刻洞悉,为推动建立安定有序的美好世界指明了方向。全球安全倡议提出以来,得到了国际社会的广泛赞誉和积极响应。为推动落实这一倡议,中国应积极推动大国对话与合作,确保大国关系稳定健康发展;秉持真正的多边主义,维护联合国权威;坚持安全与发展并重,协同推进全球安全倡议与全球发展倡议;积极利用地区安全合作机制,加大对周边国家的安全援助力度,为构建人类安全共同体打造样板工程。 The Global Security Initiative is a concrete manifestation of the concept of a community of a shared future for mankind in the field of security,representing China’s proposal to address changes in the global security situation and contribute to world peace and stability.At present,there has been a significant change in the international balance of power,with a severe lack of trust between major powers and various security issues emerging incessantly.Existing global security governance mechanism has shortcomings to varying degrees.Therefore,the international community urgently needs new ideas,methods and pathways to guide global security governance and effectively address various security challenges that threaten human survival and development.The Global Security Initiative,with“six adherences”as its core,combines guiding ideology with practical operability,systematically addressing guiding principles,basic premises,fundamental principles,and important principles to be adhered to in achieving world peace in the new situation.This major initiative“is rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture that values peace and stems from China’s independent and peaceful diplomatic policies and practices”,reflecting China’s profound insight into the development trend of the world and pointing the way to promoting the establishment of a stable and orderly world.Since its proposal,it has received widespread praise and positive responses from the international community.To promote the implementation of this initiative,China should actively promote dialogue and cooperation among major powers to ensure the stable and healthy development of major-power relations;uphold genuine multilateralism to safeguard the authority of the United Nations;adhere to the principle of balancing security and development,and jointly promote the Global Security Initiative and the Global Development Initiative;actively utilize regional security cooperation mechanisms,and increase security assistance to neighboring countries to create a model project for building a community of security for mankind.
作者 张方慧 潘万历 ZHANG Fanghui;PAN Wanli(Institute of Contemporary China Studies,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100009,China)
出处 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期11-19,共9页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 中国社会科学院“青启计划”(2024QQJH005)。
关键词 全球安全倡议 全球发展倡议 全球安全治理 人类安全共同体 Global Security Initiative Global Development Initiative global security governance a security community for mankind
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