上海是当代中国的开放重镇和近代历史文化名城,拥有1058处、 3075幢优秀历史建筑,397条风貌保护道路(街巷),250处风貌保护街坊,44片历史文化风貌区。这些风姿各异、积淀深厚的历史建筑展示着上海悠远的文脉和时尚的活力,镌刻着城市的记忆,是中华文明的重要组成部分。
It is of great significance to protect historical buildings.Ancient sites are non-renewable and cannot be rebuilt.Once they fade away,it is quite impossible to revive them.In Shanghai,various types of buildings include not only historical buildings with profound heritage,but also modern classical buildings.Many of these landmarks epitomize evolutionary culture,Shanghai culture and south culture.It is of great importance to properly protect and make necessary renovation for these buildings.
Shanghai Arts & Crafts