
习近平文化思想的生成逻辑、理论蕴涵及时代价值 被引量:3

The Generative Logic,Theoretical Connotation and Contemporary Value of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture
摘要 为进一步贯彻落实习近平文化思想,必须对其生成逻辑、核心要义、基本特征及时代价值作深入具体的考察,加强学理化阐发与整体性研究。马克思主义经典作家的文化建设理论、中华民族长期积淀的优秀文化、中国共产党百年来关于文化建设的积极成果、新时代以来中国特色社会主义建设的实践经验,为习近平文化思想的形成奠定了坚实基础。习近平文化思想内容丰富、内涵深刻,系统阐明了新时代文化建设的战略地位、新的文化使命、宣传思想文化建设的工作导向和根本原则、文化繁荣的必由之路、文化发展的重要动力等一系列内容,形成了一个完整的科学体系,充分体现了党性与人民性、守正与创新、通体与达用、历史自信与文化自信、民族性与世界性、系统性与开放性的有机统一,具有重大的时代价值,极大地丰富和发展了马克思主义文化理论,为新时代推进文化强国建设提供了科学指引,为人类文明的发展进步贡献了中国智慧。 Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC,president Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the work of propaganda,ideological and cultural work.He has profoundly summarized the achievements and experience of building a culturally strong nation in the new era,and has deeply contemplated the opportunities and challenges faced by cultural development in the new circumstances.He has put forward numerous new thoughts,new viewpoints,and new judgments in the construction of cultural development,which have formed Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.Existing literature primarily focuses on exploring the historical process,main content,and original contributions of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.However,the research is still in its early stages,and there is room for improvement in terms of theoretical depth and breadth.This paper primarily adopts the methods of literature research and systematic analysis,aiming to comprehensively sort out and systematically analyze a series of important discourses by Xi Jinping on Cultural development.The goal is to conduct an in-depth and specific investigation into the logical generation,core essence,basic characteristics,and contemporary value of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.Through these efforts,the aim is to deepen the theoretical interpretation and holistic research of it.Compared to previous literature,this paper innovates in three aspects.Firstly,it analyzes the logical generation of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture from four perspectives.It argues that these thoughts are based on the theoretical foundation of cultural development by Marxist classic writers,the historical experience of positive achievements in cultural development by the Communist Party of China over the past century,the practical experience of party leadership in cultural development in the new era,and the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.These four aspects together establish a solid foundation for Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.Secondly,it specifically examines the core essence of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture is rich in content and profound in connotation,systematically elucidating a series of contents such as the strategic position of cultural construction in the new era,the new cultural mission,the work orientation and fundamental principles of propaganda,ideological and cultural construction,the road to cultural prosperity,and the important impetus for cultural development,formed a complete scientific system.Thirdly,it summarizes six distinct characteristics of Xi Jinping’s cultural thoughts:the unity of party nature and people-oriented approach,the unity of adherence to principles and innovation,the unity of holistic thinking and practicality,the unity of historical confidence and cultural confidence,the unity of national character and global perspective,and the unity of systematic thinking and openness.It argues that the introduction of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture greatly enriches and develops Marxist cultural theory,provides scientific guidance for the construction of a strong cultural country in the new era,and contributes Chinese wisdom to the development and progress of human civilization.The research conducted in this paper,to a certain extent,enriches the theoretical exploration of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.It is beneficial for further clarifying the scientific connotation,practical requirements,and significant implications of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture.Moreover,it is advantageous for promoting the in-depth and solid implementation of learning and applying Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture throughout the entire Party and society.
作者 陆卫明 黄佳慧 王子宜 LU Weiming;HUANG Jiahui;WANG Ziyi(School of Marxism Studies,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
出处 《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期8-19,共12页 Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University:Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(23ZDA008)。
关键词 习近平文化思想 宣传思想文化工作 文化强国 中华民族现代文明 Xi Jinping’s Thought on Culture propaganda of ideological and cultural work country with a strong culture modern civilization of Chinese nation
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