

A Study of Fu in the Imperial Examinations During the Reign of Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty
摘要 试赋是唐代文学的重要组成部分。近年来,国内学界对唐代试赋的研究考证材料众多,但论者多以其程式化的体制、颂圣化的内容而忽视其丰富的时代内涵与人文精神。通过对唐懿宗朝6场试赋的赋题、赋韵、赋文、赋体、主考官等因素分析,发现6场试赋既具有较高的思想价值与文学、史学价值,也具有崇儒宗经的文化导向、帝德建构的文化精神和朋党斗争的时代内涵。唐懿宗朝6场试赋具有强烈的现实性,是后人了解晚唐士人思想、社会风尚的重要载体。 Fu,a classical writing style,is an important part of literature in the Tang Dynasty.In recent years,the domestic academic community has conducted abundant research and verification of fu in the imperial examinations of Tang Dynasty,however,most scholars pay little attention to its richness in epochal significance and spirit of hu-manities due to its formulaic system and content of praising saints.This paper,through a series of comprehensive a-nalysis of the themes,rhymes,texts,styles and chief examiners of the six imperial examinations during the Emper-or Yizong period of Tang Dynasty,comes to the conclusion that the six imperial examinations not only had extremely high ideological,literary,and historical values,but also had cultural connotation in the orientation of reverence for Confucianism,the spirit of the construction of imperial morality,and the sign of struggles between factions.The six trials and essays during Emperor Yizong period showed strong realism and served as the carriers for later generations to understand the thoughts and social customs of the late Tang scholars.
作者 郭家琦 王亚楠 GUO Jiaqi;WANG Ya′nan(School of Literature,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
机构地区 郑州大学文学院
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第2期66-71,共6页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 2022年河南省哲学社会科学规划年度项目“两汉文图会通视域下的礼制重构与经典生成研究”(编号:2022CWX039) 2023年河南省兴文化工程文化研究专项项目“河南历史上的礼乐建构与功能研究”(编号:2023XWH101)的阶段性成果。
关键词 唐懿宗 试赋 崇儒宗经 帝德建构 朋党斗争 Emperor Yizong of the Tang Dynasty fu in the Imperial Examinations veneration of Confucianism and the classics construction of emperor′s virtue struggle between factions
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