

Institutional Validity, Practice Limitation and Optimization Dimension of One Shoulder Pole for Village Cadres
摘要 村级组织负责人“一肩挑”制度切合我国乡村治理从社会国家化的单维突进到国家与社会协同共治,再到党建全面引领农村现代化转变的时代要求。村级组织负责人“一肩挑”制度的耦合式集体行动机制、统合式组织动员机制和联动式选举内嵌机制对于提升乡村治理效能、强化乡村政治认同和推进基层全过程人民民主具有良好的制度效度。然而,“一肩挑”制度与现有的法律法规、乡村社会的政治认知惯性、部分乡村人才的发展基础、乡村的权力监督体系之间的实践张力成为影响其释放更大制度效能的重要因素。因此,必须优化基于系统思维的“一肩挑”制度生态,将其融入中国式现代化的宏大叙事之中,秉持良法善治的理想,坚持党管干部与民主选举、党的领导与人民当家作主两个逻辑的统一,坚持国家建构与社会发育相结合,完善法律、迭代认知、引育人才、健全机制,使之挑得有规、挑得有道、挑得有力、挑得有度。 The system of one shoulder pole for village cadres meets the requirements of the times when China's rural governance changes from the unidimensional governance of social nationalization,to the collaborative governance of the state and society,and then to the all-round transformation of rural modernization led by the party building.Its coupling mechanism for collective action,integrated mechanism for organizational mobilization and interconnected election embedded mechanism have obvious institutional validity for improving rural governance performance,strengthening the political identity of rural political parties and promoting the whole-process of people's democracy at grassroots level.However,the practical tension between the one shoulder pole system and existing laws and regulations,the inertia of rural social and political cognition,the growth platforms of some rural talents,and scrutiny over the exercise of power in rural areas has become an important factor to release its greater institutional effectiveness.To this end,we must optimize the system ecology of one shoulder pole based on systematic thinking,integrate it into the modernization of agriculture and rural areas,uphold the ideal of good law and good governance,adhere to the unity of the principle of the Party supervising the performance of cadres and democratic elections,Party leadership and the people as masters of the country,adhere to the combination of national construction and social development,improve the legal regulation and the mechanism,update cognition,introduce and nurture talents,improve the mechanism,so that carry the burden regularly,properly,powerfully and reasonably.
作者 龚志伟 GONG Zhi-wei(School of Marxism,Lishui University,Lishui Zhejiang 323000,China)
出处 《内蒙古社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第2期38-46,共9页 Inner Mongolia Social Sciences
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题“习近平在浙江工作期间的乡村振兴思想及其历史价值研究”(编号:19NDJC084YB) 教育部青年基金项目“生态文明与共同富裕协同推进研究”(编号:22YJC710096)。
关键词 “一肩挑”制度 效度 限度 向度 System of One Shoulder Pole Validity Limitation Dimension
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