
出租车换电模式经济性分析及发展建议研究 被引量:1

Research of Economic Analysis and Development Suggestion on Taxi Battery Swapping Mode
摘要 出租车换电模式是近年来换电技术推广应用的重要领域之一,对于探索换电模式发展的适用场景具有重要参考意义。本文以北京市出租车运行场景为例,研究了出租车换电模式的整体经济性。研究结果表明,出租车换电模式在一定规模下具备盈利条件,但产业的规模化发展仍面临一定挑战。为推动出租车换电模式发展,未来还需要加快互换性标准研究,加大推广应用政策支持力度,研究优化动力电池产权管理和换电站建设审批制度流程。 Taxi battery swapping mode is one of the important fields in the promotion and application of battery swapping technology in recent years,which has important reference significance for exploring the application scenario of battery swapping mode development.This paper studies the overall economy of taxi switching mode by taking the taxi running scene in Beijing as an example.The research results show that the taxi electricity-switching model can be profitable at a certain scale,but the scale development of the industry still faces certain challenges.In order to promote the development of taxi battery swapping mode,it is also necessary to accelerate the research on interchangeability standards in the future,increase the promotion and application policy support,and study and optimize the power battery property rights management and the approval system process for the construction of battery swapping stations.
作者 宋承斌 姜运哲 Song Chengbin;Jiang Yunzhe(China Automotive Technology and Research Center Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300300)
出处 《中国汽车》 2024年第2期10-13,共4页 China Auto
关键词 新能源汽车 换电模式 经济性 new energy vehicle battery swapping economic analysis
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