

Atmosphere and Contrast
摘要 德国哲学家格诺特·波默倡导的“气氛美学”在中国引起很大反响,波默在其《感知学》一书中又以“反差”作为气氛营造的重要条件。“反差”确实会使气氛具有更为丰富和复杂的内蕴。从艺术创作来看,“反差”的运用尤有审美价值。这在中国古代诗词中是有普遍性的呈现的。诗词中的气氛具有不可忽视的空间性。反差的存在与运用,使作品的审美空间具有强烈的张力。诗词作品中的气氛反差,大致可以分为两种情形:一种是呈现在作品的表层结构中的反差,一种是诗人由于感受到的反差的激发而营造出的更为强烈的气氛。波默的气氛美学特具通感的功能,在中国诗学界,通感因钱锺书先生以中国诗词中的通感现象的阐发而广为人知。从感知的角度看,通感也是离不开反差的。反差并不是导致作品境界的支离,恰恰是在更高的层面上形成了审美和谐。诗词作品正是因为反差的大量存在,而产生着更为渊深而又更为丰富的意境。 The"atmospheric aesthetics"advocated by German philosopher Gernot Bohme(格诺特·波默)has aroused great echoes in China.Bohme also takes"contrast"as an important condition for atmospheric construction in his book entitled Aesthetic(《感知学》)."Contrast"may indeed give the atmosphere a richer and more complex connotation.From the point of view of artistic creation,the use of"contrast"is particularly of aesthetic value.This is a universal expression in ancient Chinese poems.The atmosphere in poems has the unignorable spatial character.The existence and use of contrast can provide the aesthetic space of the poetic works with strong tension.The atmospheric contrast in poetic works can be roughly divided into two situations.In one situation,the atmospheric contrast is presented in the surface structure of the poetic works,while in the other situation,a stronger atmosphere is created by the poet due to the stimulation of contrast he feels.Bohme's atmospheric aesthetics has a special function of synesthesia,which is widely known to the Chinese poetic circles because of Professor Qian Zhongshu's(钱书)explanation of the phenomena of synesthesia in Chinese poetic works.From the perspective of perception,synesthesia is also inseparable from contrast.Contrast does not lead to the fragmentation of the realm in the poetic works,but forms aesthetic harmony on a higher level.It is precisely because of the existence of a large number of contrasts that the poetic works can produce a deeper and richer aesthetic imagery.
作者 张晶 Zhang Jing(School of Humanities,Communication University of China,Bejing 1000024,China)
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第2期65-74,共10页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国古代美学命题的整理与研究”(21&ZD068)。
关键词 气氛美学 反差 空间 通感 atmospheric aesthetics contrast space synesthesia
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  • 1韩连庆.技术与知觉——唐·伊德对海德格尔技术哲学的批判和超越[J].自然辩证法通讯,2004,26(5):38-42. 被引量:27
  • 2利奥塔.《后现代性与公正游戏》,上海:上海人民出版社,1997年,第125页.
  • 3Annie L. Thomasson, "The Ontology of Art," in Peter kivy ( eds. ) , The BlackweU Guide to Aesthetics, Malden, Oxford, and Carhon: Blackwell, 2004, p. 78.
  • 4Annie L. Thomasson, "The Ontology of Art," in Peter kivy ( eds. ) , The BlackweU Guide to Aesthetics, Malden, Oxford, and Carhon: Blackwell, 2004,pp. 88 - 89.
  • 5Annie L. Thomasson, "The Ontology of Art," in Peter kivy ( eds. ) , The BlackweU Guide to Aesthetics, Malden, Oxford, and Carhon: Blackwell, 2004,p. 88.
  • 6Annie L. Thomasson, "The Ontology of Art," in Peter kivy ( eds. ) , The BlackweU Guide to Aesthetics, Malden, Oxford, and Carhon: Blackwell, 2004,p. 90.
  • 7Martin Seel, The Aesthetics of Appearing, translated by John Farrell, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005.
  • 8曹基础.《庄子浅注》,北京:中华书局2011年版,第22页.
  • 9Theodor Adorno, Aesthetic Theory, translated by C. Lenhardt. London & Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1984.
  • 10Mikel Dufrenne, In the Presence of the Sensuous: Essays in Aesthetics, translated by Mark S. Roberts and Dennis Gallagher. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press International, Inc. , 1987.









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