

Robot-assisted modified bladder neck reconstruction for the treatment of female acquired urinary incontinence:a case report
摘要 女性获得性尿失禁的治疗是临床难题。本文报道1例女性患者因尿道肉阜切除过度后出现漏尿,尿流动力学检查示功能尿道长度1.6cm最大尿道压力41cmH_(2)O(1cmH_(2)O=0.133 kPa);尿道镜检查示尿道长度约2cm,尿道括约肌功能良好,无尿道狭窄。予行机器人辅助改良Leadbetter膀胱颈重建术,手术顺利。术后4周拔除尿管,排尿通畅,完全自主控尿。术后随访3个月,仍排尿通畅,无尿失禁发生。 Female acquired urinary incontinence is a clinical challenge.This article reported a female patient who had urinary incontinence after excessive urethral caruncle resection.Urodynamics showed effective urethral length was 1.6 cm and maximal urethral pressure was 41 cm cmH_(2)O(1cmH_(2)O=0.133 kPa).Urethroscopy showed urethral length was about 2 cm,urethral sphincter function was good,and urethral stricture was absent.The patient has undergone robot-assisted modified Leadbetter bladder neck reconstruction.The surgery was successfully completed without intraoperative complications.Urinary catheter was removed at 4 weeks after surgery,and the patient has complete urinary continence with unobstructed voiding.After 3 months of follow-up,the patient still has unobstructed voiding and urinary continence.
作者 黄建文 王营 张心如 宋鲁杰 傅强 Huang Jianwen;Wang Ying;Zhang Xinru;Song Lujie;Fu Qiang(Department of Urology,Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University Affiliated Sixth People's Hospital,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期227-228,共2页 Chinese Journal of Urology
关键词 尿失禁 获得性 改良膀胱颈重建 机器人辅助手术 Urinary incontinence Acquired Modified bladder neck reconstruction Robotassisted surgery
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