

Analysis of"one origin,three different routes"and"different names for the same meridian"of the Ren,Du,and Chong meridians
摘要 任、督、冲脉理论为奇经八脉理论的重要内容。王冰提出任、督、冲脉“一源三歧”“异名同体”学说,体现三脉之间的密切联系。以《黄帝内经》《难经》《脉经》《针灸甲乙经》为基础,分析以上两种认识。认为“一源三歧”为任、督、冲脉同起于小腹深处肾下胞中,三脉浅出体表位置不同,受《针灸甲乙经》影响,针灸学教材认为三脉同出于会阴。《黄帝内经》认为任脉上循脊里、督脉少腹直上,故王冰认为任脉、督脉命名实为区别腹背阴阳,但冲脉与任脉、督脉循行并未重合。任、督、冲脉“异名同体”包含任、督脉的循行重合与冲、督脉生理病理密切联系两层含义。 The theory of Ren,Du,and Chong meridians is the main part of the"eight extraordinary meridians"theory.WANG Bing put forward the theories of"one origin,three different routes"and"different names for the same meridian"of the Ren,Du,and Chong meridians,reflecting their close connections.Based on the Huang Di Nei Jing(Huangdi's Inner Classic),Nan Jing(The Classic of Difficult Issues),Mai Jing(The Pulse Classic),and Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing(The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion),by analyzing the above two understandings,this paper holds that"one origin,three different routes"means that the Ren,Du,and Chong meridians originate from deep lower abdomen,approximately corresponding to the position of the female uterus or male testis,and then emerge from different areas of body superficies.However,influenced by Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing(The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion),it is believed in textbooks of acupuncture and moxibustion that the three meridians all emerge at Huiyin(CV1).Meanwhile,it was written in Huang Di Nei Jing(Huangdi's Inner Classic)that the Ren meridian ascended along the spine and the Du meridian ascended along the middle of lower abdomen.Therefore,WANG Bing believed that the naming of the Ren meridian and Du meridian was to distinguish yin(the abdomen)from yang(the back),but the route of the Chong meridian did not coincide with both of the Ren and Du meridians.All in all,the theory of"different names for the same meridian"can be understood from two aspects,namely,the route coincidence of the Ren and Du meridians,and the close physiology and pathology relationship between the Chong and Du meridians.
作者 李博灵 赵永烈 王丹萍 周晓卿 LI Boling;ZHAO Yonglie;WANG Danping;ZHOU Xiaoqing(Shenzhen Hospital(Longgang),Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518172,China;The Third Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第4期623-627,共5页 Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划中医药现代化研究专项(2019YFC1709702) 国家自然科学基金项目(81873256) 北京市中医药科技发展资金项目(JJ-2020-36)。
关键词 任脉 督脉 冲脉 一源三歧 异名同体 《黄帝内经》 《难经》 《脉经》 《针灸甲乙经》 the Ren meridian the Du meridian the Chong meridian one origin,three different routes different names for the same meridian Huang Di Nei Jing(Huangdi's Inner Classic) Nan Jing(The Classic of Difficult Issues) Mai Jing(The Pulse Classic) Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing(The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion)
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