

The Effects of Global Governance of Free Trade:The Rise and Fall of States,Great Power Competition and World History——Seeing from the Insight of Marx and Engels to Chinese Wisdom
摘要 自由贸易不仅是调节生产要素配置、改善供求关系的市场行为,而且在世界历史视野下也是关涉资源竞合的治理行为,蕴含着系统性的全球治理效应。马克思恩格斯把自由贸易与国家崛起、大国竞争、世界历史联动起来考量:通过对欧洲国家的分析,洞悉了自由贸易话语权与国家兴衰之间的共振关系;通过对英美两国关系的省察,揭示了自由贸易博弈与大国竞争之间的深层联系;通过对自由贸易历史作用的二重性阐释,分析了自由贸易与世界历史之间的辩证共生关系。作为践行21世纪马克思主义的主要场域,中国坚持在时代前进的逻辑中前进,推动贸易和投资的自由化便利化,在践行真正的多边主义中提升经济全球化的包容性及普惠性,致力于构建人类命运共同体。 Free trade is not only a market behavior that regulates the allocation of production factors and improves the relationship between supply and demand,but also a governance behavior related to resource competition and cooperation from the perspective of world history,which contains systemic global governance effects.Marx and Engels considered free trade and the rise of countries,great power competition and world history together:seeing into the resonant relationship between free trade discourse power and the rise and fall of nations through the analysis of European countries;revealing the deep connection between the free trade game and great power rivalry through an introspective look at the relationship between the UK and the US;analyzing the dialectical symbiosis between free trade and world history through a dualistic interpretation of the historical role of free trade.As a major field to practice Marxism in the 21st century,China adheres to advancing on the logic of the Times,promotes liberalization and facilitation of the trade and investment,makes economic globalization more inclusive through the practice of genuine multilateralism,and is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind.
作者 刘顺 Liu Shun
出处 《经济学家》 北大核心 2024年第4期25-34,共10页 Economist
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“马克思恩格斯对资本主义‘自由贸易’本质批判的当代价值研究”(20BKS014)。
关键词 自由贸易 全球治理 国家兴衰 大国竞争 世界历史 Free Trade Global Governance Nations Rise and Fall Great Power Competition World History
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